c# Programming Glossary: formsidentity
How does Request.IsAuthenticated work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2201238/how-does-request-isauthenticated-work the GenericIdentity in Context.User.Identity with a FormsIdentity object that returns True from its IsAuthenticated property...
How do you pass an authenticaticated session between app domains http://stackoverflow.com/questions/72125/how-do-you-pass-an-authenticaticated-session-between-app-domains behind protected void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e FormsIdentity cIdentity Page.User.Identity as FormsIdentity if cIdentity null.. EventArgs e FormsIdentity cIdentity Page.User.Identity as FormsIdentity if cIdentity null this.hdnStreetCred.ID FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName.. this.hdnStreetCred.Value FormsAuthentication.Encrypt FormsIdentity User.Identity .Ticket I was inspired by the cross app form..
Is this Custom Principal in Base Controller ASP.NET MVC 3 terribly inefficient? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8263845/is-this-custom-principal-in-base-controller-asp-net-mvc-3-terribly-inefficient if User.Identity.IsAuthenticated if User.Identity is FormsIdentity FormsIdentity id base.User.Identity as FormsIdentity MyPrincipal.. if User.Identity is FormsIdentity FormsIdentity id base.User.Identity as FormsIdentity MyPrincipal principal.. is FormsIdentity FormsIdentity id base.User.Identity as FormsIdentity MyPrincipal principal MyPrincipal filterContext.HttpContext.Cache.Get..
MVC Custom Authentication, Authorization, and Roles Implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8567358/mvc-custom-authentication-authorization-and-roles-implementation I need to manually snag the auth cookie and populate the FormsIdentity principal for the HttpContext or should that be automatic Any.. so you shouldn't have to do any manual population of the FormsIdentity. This is pretty easy to test in any case. You probably want..
Forms Authentication understanding context.user.identity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8810496/forms-authentication-understanding-context-user-identity if HttpContext.Current.User.Identity is FormsIdentity Get the roles stored for this request from the ticket get.. request from the ticket get the identity of the user FormsIdentity identity FormsIdentity HttpContext.Current.User.Identity Get.. get the identity of the user FormsIdentity identity FormsIdentity HttpContext.Current.User.Identity Get the form authentication..