

c# Programming Glossary: formatting.indented

Format XML String to Print Friendly XML String


with the XML. document.LoadXml XML writer.Formatting Formatting.Indented Write the XML into a formatting XmlTextWriter document.WriteContentTo..

Loading richtextbox content from xml


new XmlTextWriter path null objXmlTextWriter.Formatting Formatting.Indented objXmlTextWriter.WriteStartDocument objXmlTextWriter.WriteStartElement..

Insert bytes into middle of a file (in windows filesystem) without reading entire file (using File Allocation Table)?


How can i remove BOM from XmlTextWriter using C#


filename new UTF8Encoding false xmlWriter.Formatting Formatting.Indented xmlWriter.WriteProcessingInstruction xml version '1.0' encoding..

How to convert datatable to json string using json.net?


question string json JsonConvert.SerializeObject table Formatting.Indented Edit You don't need indented formatting of course but it makes..

C# Version of Html Tidy?


using var xw new XmlTextWriter sw Indentation 2 Formatting Formatting.Indented sgml.Read while sgml.EOF xw.WriteNode sgml true return sw.ToString..

Using JSON.net, how do I prevent serializing properties of a derived class, when used in a base class context?


JsonNetResult result new JsonNetResult result.Formatting Formatting.Indented result.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver new CriteriaContractResolver..

XML indenting when injecting an XML string into an XmlWriter


xtw new XmlTextWriter foo.xml Encoding.UTF8 xtw.Formatting Formatting.Indented xtw.IndentChar ' t' xtw.Indentation 1 XmlWriter xw XmlWriter.Create..