c# Programming Glossary: formborderstyle
C# - Make a borderless form movable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1592876/c-sharp-make-a-borderless-form-movable movable Is there a way to make a form that has no border FormBorderStyle is set to none movable when the mouse is clicked down on the..
How to start WinForm app minimized to tray? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1730731/how-to-start-winform-app-minimized-to-tray but would still appear in the alt tab dialog. Changing the FormBorderStyle to one of the ToolWindow options from the None option fixed..
How to make a window have taskbar text but no title bar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/198233/how-to-make-a-window-have-taskbar-text-but-no-title-bar a title bar which I don't want. this.ControlBox false this.FormBorderStyle System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog this.MaximizeBox.. false this.FormBorderStyle System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog this.MaximizeBox false this.MinimizeBox false this.ShowInTaskbar.. question One approach to look into might be to set the FormBorderStyle property of your Form to None instead of FixedDialog . The drawback..
Resize WinForm, with no border? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2575216/resize-winform-with-no-border default border that Windows has so I changed the property FormBorderStyle to None . This removed the border although now it can't be resized... class Form1 Form public Form1 InitializeComponent this.FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.None this.DoubleBuffered true this.SetStyle.. Form public Form1 InitializeComponent this.FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.None this.DoubleBuffered true this.SetStyle ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw..
Application.OpenForms.Count = 0 always http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3751554/application-openforms-count-0-always This will happen when you assign the ShowInTaskbar FormBorderStyle Min MaximizedBox RightToLeftLayout HelpButton Opacity TransparencyKey..
How do I make a WinForms app go Full Screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505167/how-do-i-make-a-winforms-app-go-full-screen what VS does in full screen mode . Currently I am setting FormBorderStyle to None and WindowState to maximized which gives me a little.. object sender EventArgs e this.TopMost true this.FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.None this.WindowState FormWindowState.Maximized.. sender EventArgs e this.TopMost true this.FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.None this.WindowState FormWindowState.Maximized But interestingly..
C# Form with custom border and rounded edges http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5092216/c-sharp-form-with-custom-border-and-rounded-edges and rounded edges I am using this code to make my form FormBorderStyle none with rounded edges DllImport Gdi32.dll EntryPoint CreateRoundRectRgn..
Sample using MSCHART in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/509555/sample-using-mschart-in-c-sharp public SimplerDialogBox Text Sample graph using MSChart FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog ControlBox false MaximizeBox false.. Text Sample graph using MSChart FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog ControlBox false MaximizeBox false MinimizeBox false..
Custom Class for dealing with embedding in Forms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/543087/custom-class-for-dealing-with-embedding-in-forms void ShowXFormInControl Form frm ref XtraTabPage ctl FormBorderStyle style frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox false frm.Parent ctl.. frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox false frm.Parent ctl frm.FormBorderStyle style frm.Left 0 frm.Top 0 frm.Width ctl.Width 4 frm.Dock DockStyle.Fill.. static void ShowXFormInControl Form frm ref XtraPanel ctl FormBorderStyle style frm.TopLevel false frm.ControlBox false frm.Parent ctl..
How to build splash screen in windows forms application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7955663/how-to-build-splash-screen-in-windows-forms-application Set the StartPosition property to CenterScreen Set the FormBorderStyle property to None Set the form's MinimumSize and MaximumSize..