c# Programming Glossary: following
Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125319/should-usings-be-inside-or-outside-the-namespace a subtle difference between the two. Imagine you have the following code in File1.cs File1.cs using System namespace Outer.Inner..
How do you do a deep copy an object in .Net (C# specifically)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/129389/how-do-you-do-a-deep-copy-an-object-in-net-c-specifically order for this to work. Your source file must include the following code using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary using..
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/142003/cross-thread-operation-not-valid-control-accessed-from-a-thread-other-than-the did some googling and a suggestion came up like using the following code CODE 2 UserContrl1_LoadDataMethod if InvokeRequired Line..
How to properly clean up Excel interop objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158706/how-to-properly-clean-up-excel-interop-objects Excel interop in C# ApplicationClass and have placed the following code in my finally clause while System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject..
How to use reflection to call generic Method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232535/how-to-use-reflection-to-call-generic-method instead is obtained dynamically at runtime Consider the following sample code inside the Example method what's the most concise..
Why is lock(this) {…} bad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/251391/why-is-lockthis-bad instead an Object instance will do nicely. Run the following C# code as an example. public class Person public int Age get..
Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142495/deserialize-json-into-c-sharp-dynamic-object Apple Price 12.3 Name Grape Price 3.21 Date 21 11 2010 The following code will work at runtime var data serializer.Deserialize json..
How to detect Windows 64-bit platform with .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336633/how-to-detect-windows-64-bit-platform-with-net platform with .NET In a .NET 2.0 C# application I use the following code to detect the operating system platform string os_platform..
Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371328/why-is-it-important-to-override-gethashcode-when-equals-method-is-overridden GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden Given the following class public class Foo public int FooId get set public string..
Case insensitive 'Contains(string)' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444798/case-insensitive-containsstring insensitive 'Contains string ' Is there a way to make the following return true string title ASTRINGTOTEST title.Contains string..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a Forms Application C# .NET Framework 4 VS2010 2 add the following code to the Form1_Load handler int vara 5 varb 0 int varc vara..
File Upload ASP.NET MVC 3.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5193842/file-upload-asp-net-mvc-3-0 side controls are not used in ASP.NET MVC. Checkout the following blog post which illustrates how to achieve this in ASP.NET MVC...
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c Do not define a structure unless the type has all of the following characteristics It logically represents a single value similar.. order to use Entry as a reference type I had to insert the following code Added to satisfy initialization of entry elements this..
What is differences between Multidimensional array and Array of Arrays in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597720/what-is-differences-between-multidimensional-array-and-array-of-arrays-in-c method invocations which are always slower. Consider the following methods static void SetElementAt int array int i int j int value.. int i int j int value array i j value Their IL will be the following .method private hidebysig static void SetElementAt int32 'array'..
Retrieving Property name from lambda expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671968/retrieving-property-name-from-lambda-expression can do type inference on the method call. You can do the following var propertyInfo GetPropertyInfo someUserObject u u.UserID ..
Random number generator only generating one random number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/767999/random-number-generator-only-generating-one-random-number generator only generating one random number I have the following function Function to get random number public static int RandomNumber..
Deep cloning objects in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/78536/deep-cloning-objects-in-c-sharp extension methods of C# 3.0 change the method to have the following signature public static T Clone T this T source ... Now the..
Create Generic method constraining T to an Enum http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79126/create-generic-method-constraining-t-to-an-enum Enum value is not found Is case insensitive So I wrote the following public static T GetEnumFromString T string value T defaultValue..
Persist Data by Programming Against Interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11291202/persist-data-by-programming-against-interface into database This is implemented using LINQ to SQL. Note Following is a comment from Scott in http weblogs.asp.net scottgu archive..
How to create custom config section in app.config? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1316058/how-to-create-custom-config-section-in-app-config do it and how can I access these settings in my programme. Following is the config section i want to add to my app.config .. RegisterCompanies..
.net XML Serialization - Storing Reference instead of Object Copy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1617528/net-xml-serialization-storing-reference-instead-of-object-copy Serializes all references with separate object copies. In Following Example I am trying to serialize to Array of 'Person' A 'Person'..
How to stop BackgroundWorker on Form's Closing event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1731384/how-to-stop-backgroundworker-on-forms-closing-event this app without getting the exception or the deadlock Following are 3 relevant methods of the simple Form1 class public Form1..
Boiler plate code replacement - is there anything bad about this code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/192980/boiler-plate-code-replacement-is-there-anything-bad-about-this-code EventArgs.Empty EDIT See related question here UPDATE Following on from deadlock problems related in this question I have switched..
Single-assembly multi-language Windows Forms deployment (ILMerge and satellite assemblies / localization) - possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1952638/single-assembly-multi-language-windows-forms-deployment-ilmerge-and-satellite-a any authoritative answer anywhere. UPDATE 1 Basic Solution Following casperOne's recommendation below I was finally able to make..
Performance of calling delegates vs methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2082735/performance-of-calling-delegates-vs-methods of calling delegates vs methods Following this question http stackoverflow.com questions 2082615 pass..
How do you disable Aero Snap in an application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2470685/how-do-you-disable-aero-snap-in-an-application NoResize and handling the resize behavior manually. Following is a very basic non professional solution that i've quickly..
Drag and drop to Desktop / Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040415/drag-and-drop-to-desktop-explorer and drop to Desktop Explorer Following my scenario. I got an Application which loads a Filestructure..
Will using 'var' affect performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/356846/will-using-var-affect-performance to make writing code 'quicker' easier and 'just because'. Following this link I saw that var gets compiled down to the correct type..
Splash Screen waiting until thread finishes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/392864/splash-screen-waiting-until-thread-finishes c# winforms splash screen share improve this question Following across 2 threads is a bit confusing but I'm going to take a..
Why are mutable structs evil? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441309/why-are-mutable-structs-evil are mutable structs evil Following the discussions here on SO I already read several times the..
What's the difference between QueueUserWorkItem() and BeginInvoke(), for performing an asynchronous activity with no return types needed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/532791/whats-the-difference-between-queueuserworkitem-and-begininvoke-for-perform an asynchronous activity with no return types needed Following on from my BeginInvoke EndInvoke question are there major differences..
How can I evaluate a C# expression dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53844/how-can-i-evaluate-a-c-sharp-expression-dynamically 3 string now Eval System.DateTime.Now .ToString as string Following Biri s link I got this snippet modified to remove obsolete method..
How to (de)construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7040078/how-to-deconstruct-data-frames-in-websockets-hybi-08 are the length if it wouldn't fit in two bytes either . Following that are four bytes which are the masks which you need to decode..
Which exceptions shouldn't I catch? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7152354/which-exceptions-shouldnt-i-catch into 4 groups Fatal 'Boneheaded' Vexing Exogenous. Following is my interpretation of Eric's advice Exc. type What to do ..
How to get the list of properties of a class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737151/how-to-get-the-list-of-properties-of-a-class Console.WriteLine 0 1 prop.Name prop.GetValue foo null Following feedback... To get the value of static properties pass null..
Getting all types in a namespace via reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79693/getting-all-types-in-a-namespace-via-reflection .net reflection namespaces share improve this question Following code prints names of classes in specified ns defined in current..
Calling ASMX from jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/879362/calling-asmx-from-jquery trying to call an ASMX method from jQuery without success. Following is my code and I don't understand what I am missing. File Something.js..
How can I determine which exceptions can be thrown by a given method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/986180/how-can-i-determine-which-exceptions-can-be-thrown-by-a-given-method exception error handling share improve this question Following up to my previous answer I've managed to create a basic exception..