c# Programming Glossary: following..
Why is there not a `fieldof` or `methodof` operator in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1213862/why-is-there-not-a-fieldof-or-methodof-operator-in-c you end up with nasty hacks. I think you could do the following... or you can go back to getting a field by name. public static..
Under what circumstances is an SqlConnection automatically enlisted in an ambient TransactionScope Transaction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884863/under-what-circumstances-is-an-sqlconnection-automatically-enlisted-in-an-ambien scope when in fact I'm not at all until I do the following... Now enlisting existing connection in current transaction conn.EnlistTransaction..
Anonymous Types - Are there any distingushing characteristics? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/315146/anonymous-types-are-there-any-distingushing-characteristics an interface etc The goal is to create something like the following... defined like... public static T Get T this IAnonymous obj string..
How does one insert a column into a dataset between two existing columns? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/351557/how-does-one-insert-a-column-into-a-dataset-between-two-existing-columns way in insert one. I'd like to write something like the following... ...Columns.InsertAfter column_2 column_3 typeof string The..
How to Read XML in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4752796/how-to-read-xml-in-net can get access to the error code and the text description following... Also I'm using .net4.0 in c#...thanks c# xml share improve..
Using view models in ASP.NET MVC 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5306655/using-view-models-in-asp-net-mvc-3 data like so... ViewBag.Project project I can then do the following... @Html.LabelFor model Project ViewData Project .Name @Html.DisplayFor..
Entity Framework Stored Procedure Table Value Parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8157345/entity-framework-stored-procedure-table-value-parameter command parameters and the Store proc looks like the following... ALTER PROCEDURE dbo . usp_RaiseWarnings_rs @CaseID int @UserID.. READONLY AS and the User Defined Table looks like the following... CREATE TYPE dbo . udt_Warnings AS TABLE WarningCode nvarchar..