c# Programming Glossary: fold
copy/paste event listener in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1156975/copy-paste-event-listener-in-c-sharp listener but I keep having problems. My question is two fold one will the listener on this page solve my problem and if so..
.Net - Returning DataTables in WCF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12702/net-returning-datatables-in-wcf similar problems I have solved my issue. It was several fold. As Darren suggested and Paul backed up the Max..Size properties..
How to do I invert the week returned from Calendar.GetWeekOfYear back to a DateTime? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16553878/how-to-do-i-invert-the-week-returned-from-calendar-getweekofyear-back-to-a-datet share improve this question My own answer is three fold. First I came up with a wrapper to Calendar.GetWeekOfYear that..
What is a catamorphism and can it be implemented in C# 3.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/196294/what-is-a-catamorphism-and-can-it-be-implemented-in-c-sharp-3-0 Inside F# blog. I understand that it's a generalization of folds i.e. mapping a structure of many values to one value including.. a list of values to another list . And I gather that the fold list and fold tree is a canonical example. Can this be shown.. to another list . And I gather that the fold list and fold tree is a canonical example. Can this be shown to be done in..
Do you use curly braces for additional scoping? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/249009/do-you-use-curly-braces-for-additional-scoping . In the above link Eli mentioned that They use it to fold up their code in logical sections that don't fall into a function.. fall into a function class loop etc. that would usually be folded up. What other uses are there besides those mentioned Is it..
What is the best practice for “Copy Local” and with project references? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280751/what-is-the-best-practice-for-copy-local-and-with-project-references into a performance problem as well. The solution was three fold Always set the Copy Local property to false and enforce this..
Pipe forwards in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/336775/pipe-forwards-in-c-sharp to your heart's content. But for example if you have any fold like reduction at the end you can't feed the result of that..
Send message from one running console app to another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480430/send-message-from-one-running-console-app-to-another IPC is the best suited solution for this. Question is two fold Am I right Is there a more straight forward way to get to the..
C# Using Activator.CreateInstance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5262693/c-sharp-using-activator-createinstance overhead of using reflection can impede a more than 400 fold penalty that slows down even a moderate amount of calls. The..
Why is C# statically typed? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/859186/why-is-c-sharp-statically-typed for the same variable on the same line The answer is two fold Often you don't. In C# 3.0 and later you can use the var keyword..
ASP.Net MVC - model with collection not populating on postback http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887505/asp-net-mvc-model-with-collection-not-populating-on-postback should hold i.e ContactData at index 0. My question is two fold 1. Have I taken the correct approach.. i.e. should this work..