c# Programming Glossary: findwindow
Get instance of Excel application with C# by Handle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1118735/get-instance-of-excel-application-with-c-sharp-by-handle DllImportAttribute User32.dll private static extern int FindWindow String ClassName String WindowName How can i get an instance.. get an instance of excel application by an handle int hWnd FindWindow null Microsoft Excel MySheet.xlsx Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel..
Hide Start Orb on Vista / Win 7 in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1165879/hide-start-orb-on-vista-win-7-in-c-sharp DllImport user32.dll private static extern IntPtr FindWindow string className string windowText DllImport user32.dll private.. call them with the right arguments IntPtr hwndTaskBar FindWindow Shell_TrayWnd ShowWindow this.hwndTaskBar SW_HIDE c# windows.. enumeration. Here are the relevant parts. If you declare FindWindowEx as follows DllImport user32.dll private static extern IntPtr..
SetWindowsHookEx in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1811383/setwindowshookex-in-c-sharp user32.dll EntryPoint FindWindow SetLastError true static extern System.IntPtr FindWindowByCaption.. FindWindow SetLastError true static extern System.IntPtr FindWindowByCaption int ZeroOnly string lpWindowName System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport.. PaintHookProcedure new HookProc PaintHookProc windowHandle FindWindowByCaption 0 Untitled Notepad uint threadID GetWindowThreadProcessId..
How can I send keypresses to a running process object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2686865/how-can-i-send-keypresses-to-a-running-process-object user32.dll SetLastError true private static extern IntPtr FindWindow string lpClassName string lpWindowName private void button1_Click.. e Find a window with the name Test Application IntPtr hwnd FindWindow null Test Application then use SendMessage or PostMessage preferred.. you can use the SendKeys.Send .Net method after using FindWindow to bring that window to the foreground. However that is somewhat..
How can I hide a console window? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3563744/how-can-i-hide-a-console-window IntPtr hWnd currentProcess.MainWindowHandle FindWindow null Your console windows caption put your console window caption..
Show/Hide the console window of a C# console application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3571627/show-hide-the-console-window-of-a-c-sharp-console-application solutions I could find were hacky solutions that involved FindWindow to find the console window by its title . I dug a bit deeper..
Send Message in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5083954/send-message-in-c-sharp direction. DllImport user32.dll public static extern int FindWindow string lpClassName String lpWindowName DllImport user32.dll.. button1_Click object sender EventArgs e int WindowToFind FindWindow null Form1 c# sendmessage share improve this question ..
How to use use late binding to get excel instance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/779363/how-to-use-use-late-binding-to-get-excel-instance user32.dll SetLastError true static extern IntPtr FindWindow string lpClassName string lpWindowName DllImport Oleacc.dll.. excelPid .MainWindowHandle int hwnd int FindWindow XLMAIN null if hwnd 0 int hwndChild 0 Search the accessible.. SetLastError True CharSet CharSet.Auto _ Private Function FindWindow ByVal lpClassName As String ByVal lpWindowName As String As..
Minimizing all open windows in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/785054/minimizing-all-open-windows-in-c-sharp MIN_ALL_UNDO 416 int main int argc char argv HWND lHwnd FindWindow Shell_TrayWnd NULL SendMessage lHwnd WM_COMMAND MIN_ALL 0 Sleep.. WM_COMMAND MIN_ALL_UNDO 0 return 0 How can I access the FindWindow and SendMessage API function and the HWND type in C#.net c#.. class Program DllImport user32.dll EntryPoint FindWindow SetLastError true static extern IntPtr FindWindow string lpClassName..