c# Programming Glossary: finalizers
Does disposing streamreader close the stream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1065168/does-disposing-streamreader-close-the-stream with a using statement. In fact none of these classes have finalizers nor should they have. Personally I prefer to have a using statement..
How to detect when application terminates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1372123/how-to-detect-when-application-terminates I have left out E.g. what is the total execution time for finalizers Do you know of any other events ideas that I be aware of What..
Why does Environment.Exit() not terminate the program anymore? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18036863/why-does-environment-exit-not-terminate-the-program-anymore any more but I think Environment.Exit executes pending finalizers. Environment.FailFast doesn't. It might be that for some bizarre.. be that for some bizarre reason you have weird pending finalizers that must run afterward causing this to happen. share improve..
Since .NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers/destructors/dispose-pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331786/since-net-has-a-garbage-collector-why-do-we-need-finalizers-destructors-dispose .NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers destructors dispose pattern If I understand correctly the .net.. us the file well be closed at this point. BTW technically finalizers and destructors mean the same thing I do prefer to call c# destructors.. mean the same thing I do prefer to call c# destructors 'finalizers' since otherwise they tend to confuse people with C destructors..
Saving a Class to disk on dispose: Does my code have bugs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3832911/saving-a-class-to-disk-on-dispose-does-my-code-have-bugs kill performance and be impossible to debug. Rule 1 for finalizers is don't ever use them. Rule 2 for advanced users only is don't..
Destructor vs IDisposable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/456213/destructor-vs-idisposable a fairly in depth post which should help to explain about finalizers IDisposable and when you should use one or the other http gregbeech.com.. place to run them. Instead of destructors C# has finalizers which are implemented by overriding the Finalize method defined.. places it on a finalizer queue. In the next GC cycle all finalizers on the queue are run on a single thread in the current implementation..
When should I create a destructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4898733/when-should-i-create-a-destructor language calls these destructors but most people call them finalizers since that is their .NET name and it reduces confusion with..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c in the heap. The rest of the memory is then free modulo finalizers having to be run but at least in well written code they're rare..
Calling null on a class vs Dispose() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574019/calling-null-on-a-class-vs-dispose they're nothing like C destructors . It runs the finalizers on these objects just in case they need to do extra cleanup.. underlying file handle for you. In a well written program finalizers should almost never fire in my opinion. Setting a variable to.. foo null else Some other code Implementing IDisposable finalizers So should your own types implement finalizers Almost certainly..
Unloading the Assembly loaded with Assembly.LoadFrom() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6258160/unloading-the-assembly-loaded-with-assembly-loadfrom until GC has finished its work GC.Collect GC calls the finalizers in a background thread that's why you have to wait and call..
C# Finalize/Dispose pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/898828/c-sharp-finalize-dispose-pattern and friends doesn't count as they declare their own finalizers then don't implement a finalizer as the GC deals with finalizable..
How to detect when application terminates? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1372123/how-to-detect-when-application-terminates System.Windows.Application.OnExit to take advantage of it. Finalizers destructors in C# run when garbage collector frees unmanaged.. System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit Finalizers WPF application unhandled exception System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException.. graceful exit System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload Finalizers MbUnit running inside TestDriven.NET failed test unhandled exceptions..
Order of items in classes: Fields, Properties, Constructors, Methods [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/150479/order-of-items-in-classes-fields-properties-constructors-methods SA1201 and SA1203 Constant Fields Fields Constructors Finalizers Destructors Delegates Events Enums Interfaces Properties Indexers..
Is it possible to intercept (or be aware of) COM Reference counting on CLR objects exposed to COM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2223147/is-it-possible-to-intercept-or-be-aware-of-com-reference-counting-on-clr-objec GC my problem isn't with the GC. Use object finalizers. Finalizers are non deterministic in this instance I need deterministic..
Since .NET has a garbage collector why do we need finalizers/destructors/dispose-pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/331786/since-net-has-a-garbage-collector-why-do-we-need-finalizers-destructors-dispose garbage collection share improve this question Finalizers are needed to guarantee the release of scarce resources back..
When should I create a destructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4898733/when-should-i-create-a-destructor
Calling null on a class vs Dispose() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574019/calling-null-on-a-class-vs-dispose need to do extra cleanup before their memory is freed. Finalizers are almost always used to clean up resources in the case where..