c# Programming Glossary: firewalls
Does the WebAuthenticationBroker work in Windows 8 Metro App post Release Candidate http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12485665/does-the-webauthenticationbroker-work-in-windows-8-metro-app-post-release-candid sure for testing on localhost that you have setup windows firewalls for inbound on the localhost port. Port forwarding on the router..
Detect Antivirus on Windows using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331887/detect-antivirus-on-windows-using-c-sharp access scanning is turned on for antivirus programs. For firewalls Windows Security Center detects whether a third party firewall..
How to get IP all hosts in LAN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4042789/how-to-get-ip-all-hosts-in-lan Also this is only possible if your computers don't have firewalls running. If they've got a firewall enabled there's no way to..
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4074585/attempted-to-read-or-write-protected-memory-this-is-often-an-indication-that-ot I'd read countless times how this issue can be caused by firewalls or antivirus neither of which I am using so I dismissed this..
C# - How to chceck if external firewall is enabled? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5975321/c-sharp-how-to-chceck-if-external-firewall-is-enabled cisco share improve this question For non Windows firewalls you can use WMI API to detect the presence of a firewall if..
forward traffic from port X to computer B with c# “UDP punch hole into firewall” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7225150/forward-traffic-from-port-x-to-computer-b-with-c-sharp-udp-punch-hole-into-fir here which explains how P2P leverages NAT to bypass firewalls. Hope this gives you some ideas. share improve this answer..
Check if IP is in LAN (behind firewalls and routers) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7232287/check-if-ip-is-in-lan-behind-firewalls-and-routers if IP is in LAN behind firewalls and routers I've been crawling in the web for about 5 hours.. the LAN. Of course schools are sometimes quite strict with firewalls and there will be loads of routers and switches between some..
Programming P2P application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8523330/programming-p2p-application but supports relaying for P2P connectivity scenarios where firewalls and NATs prevent direct connections. ICE is a set of steps by..
How to test a remote UDP Port http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9265669/how-to-test-a-remote-udp-port share improve this question BEWARE that several firewalls network setups IDS etc. might influence the result... the following..