c# Programming Glossary: findancestor
WPF ListView Programmatically Select Item http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1069577/wpf-listview-programmatically-select-item IsChecked Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType x Type ListViewItem Path IsSelected Image ToolTip..
C#/WPF: Toolkit DataGrid - Transpose rows and columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1470454/c-wpf-toolkit-datagrid-transpose-rows-and-columns Text Binding Item.Titel RelativeSource RelativeSource Mode FindAncestor AncestorType x Type toolkit DataGridRow DataTemplate toolkit..
CommandParameters in ContextMenu in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/504533/commandparameters-in-contextmenu-in-wpf at the root of its own visual tree so any RelativeSource.FindAncestor bindings won't go past the ContextMenu. One solution is to use.. your Label Label Tag Binding RelativeSource RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType x Type TreeView Label.ContextMenu ContextMenu MenuItem.. Binding PlacementTarget.Tag RelativeSource RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType x Type ContextMenu ContextMenu Label.ContextMenu..
Binding Visible property of a DataGridColumn in WPF DataGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/669060/binding-visible-property-of-a-datagridcolumn-in-wpf-datagrid RelativeSource RelativeSource Mode FindAncestor AncestorType Window Converter StaticResource vc I have checked.. this out. DataGridCOlumn is not a framework element so the FindAncestor call was failing DataGridColumn not part of visual tree Have..
How to hide wpf datagrid columns depending on a property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6857780/how-to-hide-wpf-datagrid-columns-depending-on-a-property find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor AncestorType 'System.Windows.Window' AncestorLevel '1''. BindingExpression..