c# Programming Glossary: finds
LINQ: How to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with maximum value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1101841/linq-how-to-perform-max-on-a-property-of-all-objects-in-a-collection-and-ret MaxBy It's O n unlike the currently accepted answer which finds the maximum value on every iteration making it O n^2 The ordering..
How to use localization in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1142802/how-to-use-localization-in-c-sharp file . It will then fall back to checking for fr which it finds and uses . The following code will print Hello Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture..
Find an item in List by LINQ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1175645/find-an-item-in-list-by-linq return a single result but will throw an exception if it finds none or more than one which may or may not be what you want..
Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125319/should-usings-be-inside-or-outside-the-namespace at those using statements outside the namespace so it finds Outer.Math instead of System.Math . Unfortunately or perhaps.. Now the compiler searches System before searching Outer finds System.Math and all is well. Some would argue that Math might..
Writing driver class generic for any database support http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13133804/writing-driver-class-generic-for-any-database-support etc. The function GetDbInstance is the key here which finds the functions in the right dlls to be called and the helper..
Truncate string on whole words in .NET C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1613896/truncate-string-on-whole-words-in-net-c-sharp Try the following. It is pretty rudimentary. Just finds the first space starting at the desired length. public static..
C# - indexOf the nth occurrence of a string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/186653/c-sharp-indexof-the-nth-occurrence-of-a-string if you think about it. IndexOf will return as soon as it finds the match and you'll keep going from where it left off. share..
Whats the main difference between int.Parse() and Convert.ToInt32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/199470/whats-the-main-difference-between-int-parse-and-convert-toint32 argument and I believe it invokes Int32.TryParse when it finds that the object taken as the argument is a string. Convert.ToInt32..
XML Serialization and Inherited Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20084/xml-serialization-and-inherited-types define how the XmlSerializer treats the properties its finds. The physical type can also be specified but this creates a..
Get the property, as a string, from an Expression<Func<TModel,TProperty>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2789504/get-the-property-as-a-string-from-an-expressionfunctmodel-tproperty deserialization code could be useful to somebody else who finds this question in the future so it is below. Again this code..
Under what circumstances is an SqlConnection automatically enlisted in an ambient TransactionScope Transaction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884863/under-what-circumstances-is-an-sqlconnection-automatically-enlisted-in-an-ambien is specified in the connection string. The connection pool finds a usable connection. A usable connection is one that's not enlisted..
Get URL from browser to C# application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3579649/get-url-from-browser-to-c-sharp-application searches all windows from the Desktop on down until it finds Browser windows based on specific class or window attributes..
C# switch statement limitations - why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44905/c-sharp-switch-statement-limitations-why The if else statement evaluates each condition until it finds one that is true. In fact the C# switch statement is not always..
TransactionScope vs Transaction in LINQ to SQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/542525/transactionscope-vs-transaction-in-linq-to-sql is set to a user started local transaction. If it finds neither transaction LINQ to SQL starts a local transaction IDbTransaction..
TargetedPatchingOptOut: “Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6109745/targetedpatchingoptout-performance-critical-to-inline-across-ngen-image-bounda boost for frequently called methods. However if Microsoft finds a security hole in String.Equals they cannot just update mscorlib.dll..
Automatically update version number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/650/automatically-update-version-number a version number in the form of 1.1.38 so when a user finds a problem I can log the version they are using as well as tell..
How do I determine the owner of a process in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/777548/how-do-i-determine-the-owner-of-a-process-in-c argList 1 argList 0 return NO OWNER By process name finds the first process only adjust accordingly public string GetProcessOwner..
Why catch and rethrow Exception in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/881473/why-catch-and-rethrow-exception-in-c Thanx for your time. EDIT Just to summarise for anyone who finds this thread in future... DO NOT try do stuff that might throw..
When should I define a (explicit or implicit) conversion operator in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12126907/when-should-i-define-a-explicit-or-implicit-conversion-operator-in-c summary Angle value summary public double Value summary Finds the Cosine of the angle summary public double Cos get return.. double Cos get return System.Math.Cos this summary Finds the Sine of the angle summary public double Sin get return..
How to get index using LINQ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2471588/how-to-get-index-using-linq IndexOf method. However you can write one yourself summary Finds the index of the first item matching an expression in an enumerable... if predicate item return retVal retVal return 1 summary Finds the index of the first occurence of an item in an enumerable...
How can I get the values of the parameters of a calling method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492600/how-can-i-get-the-values-of-the-parameters-of-a-calling-method do it and I haven't found applicable code on Google. Code Finds calling method from class that called into this one public class..
WPF: Displaying a Context Menu for a GridView's Items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/747872/wpf-displaying-a-context-menu-for-a-gridviews-items static bool AlwaysTrue T T obj return true summary Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree. If the element..
Reliable method to get machine's MAC address in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/850650/reliable-method-to-get-machines-mac-address-in-c-sharp fastest speed that also has a valid MAC address. summary Finds the MAC address of the NIC with maximum speed. summary returns.. Original Version just returns the first one. summary Finds the MAC address of the first operation NIC found. summary returns..