

c# Programming Glossary: environment.tickcount

Check if an application is idle for a time period and lock it


GetLastInputInfo ref LastUserAction return uint Environment.TickCount LastUserAction.dwTime public static long GetTickCount return.. public static long GetTickCount return Environment.TickCount public static long GetLastInputTime LASTINPUTINFO LastUserAction..

Environment.TickCount vs DateTime.Now


vs DateTime.Now Is it ever OK to use Environment.TickCount.. vs DateTime.Now Is it ever OK to use Environment.TickCount to calculate time spans int start Environment.TickCount Do stuff.. Environment.TickCount to calculate time spans int start Environment.TickCount Do stuff int duration Environment.TickCount start Console.WriteLine..

Randomize a List<T> in C#


get return Local Local new Random unchecked Environment.TickCount 31 Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId static class MyExtensions..

cannot restart a Service


the service. try service.Stop service.Start int millisec1 Environment.TickCount TimeSpan timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds.. timeout count the rest of the timeout int millisec2 Environment.TickCount timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds millisec2.. service new ServiceController serviceName int millisec1 Environment.TickCount TimeSpan timeout TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds timeoutMilliseconds..

What is the best way to measure execution time of a function? [duplicate]


execution time share improve this question System.Environment.TickCount and the System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class are two that work.. a function ™s performance High resolution timer in .NET Environment.TickCount vs DateTime.Now What ™s the best way to benchmark programs in..

Programmatically find when the ASP.NET worker process and app domain last started?


an accurate system up time with TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds Environment.TickCount ...and accurate Process AppDomain up times with these foreach..

Why is TypedReference behind the scenes? It's so fast and safe… almost magical!


var arr new int 5 int start const int COUNT 40000000 start Environment.TickCount for int i 0 i COUNT i Set1 arr 0 i Console.WriteLine Using TypedReference.. arr 0 i Console.WriteLine Using TypedReference 0 ticks Environment.TickCount start start Environment.TickCount for int i 0 i COUNT i Set2.. TypedReference 0 ticks Environment.TickCount start start Environment.TickCount for int i 0 i COUNT i Set2 arr 0 i Console.WriteLine Using boxing..

When is optimization premature? [closed]


is bugging you about whether StopWatch is faster or Environment.TickCount it's premature optimization since if the difference was bigger..

RNGCryptoServiceProvider - Random Number Review


using a tick count seed such as Random rand new Random Environment.TickCount rand.Next min max Note I am not looking for third party random.. gives you an unguessable crypto strength seed whereas Environment.TickCount is in theory predictable. Another crucial difference would be..

WPF inactivity and activity


static IdleTimeInfo GetIdleTimeInfo int systemUptime Environment.TickCount lastInputTicks 0 idleTicks 0 LASTINPUTINFO lastInputInfo new..