

c# Programming Glossary: environment.newline

Difference between “\n” and Environment.NewLine


between &ldquo n&rdquo and Environment.NewLine What is the difference between two if any with respect to .net..

Easiest way to split a string on newlines in .net?


an array of strings string lines theText.Split new string Environment.NewLine StringSplitOptions.None Edit If you want to handle different..

Sending input/getting output from a console application (C#/WinForms)


if String.IsNullOrEmpty outLine.Data OutputTextBox.Append Environment.NewLine outLine.Data private void Enterbutton_Click object sender EventArgs.. outLine AppendTextInBox OutputTextBox outLine.Data Environment.NewLine private void Enterbutton_Click object sender EventArgs e InterProc.StandardInput.WriteLine..

Make a BackgroundWorker do several operations sequentially without freezing the form


update cheminRacine stepPourcent textBoxOutput.Text Environment.NewLine Terminé. MessageBox.Show Merge terminé. Merge terminé MessageBoxButtons.OK.. worker DoWorkEventArgs e string o o s.path Environment.NewLine s.args Environment.NewLine if worker.CancellationPending e.Cancel.. e string o o s.path Environment.NewLine s.args Environment.NewLine if worker.CancellationPending e.Cancel true else Process p..

Color different parts of a RichTextBox string


string temp DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString userid message Environment.NewLine This is what the message would look like once it is constructed... box.AppendText message Color.Blue box.AppendText Environment.NewLine new Form Controls box .ShowDialog Note that you may notice some..

Regex to strip line comments from C#


me.Value.StartsWith return me.Value.StartsWith Environment.NewLine Keep the literal strings return me.Value RegexOptions.Singleline..

Using Process.Start() to start a process as a different user from within a Windows Service


logfile DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString winError Environment.NewLine catch int winError Marshal.GetLastWin32Error File.AppendAllText.. logfile DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString winError Environment.NewLine finally if token IntPtr.Zero int x CloseHandle token if..

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


false var boundary 28520690214962 var newLine Environment.NewLine var propFormat boundary newLine Content Disposition form data..

C# WebRequest using Cookies


cookie.Domain richTextBox2.Text cookie.Name.ToString Environment.NewLine cookie.Value.ToString Environment.NewLine cookie.Path.ToString.. Environment.NewLine cookie.Value.ToString Environment.NewLine cookie.Path.ToString Environment.NewLine cookie.Domain.ToString.. Environment.NewLine cookie.Path.ToString Environment.NewLine cookie.Domain.ToString c# winforms cookies webrequest share..

DataTable to JSON


string char return value.ToString .Replace @ @ .Replace Environment.NewLine @ n .Replace @ Update This is old now but I wanted to point..

Compare two Lists for differences


Dest null string.Format 0 1 2 3 4 Differences Environment.NewLine OrigProp.Name OrigProp.GetValue Orig null DestProp.GetValue..