

c# Programming Glossary: enumwindowsproc

How can I detect if a thread has windows handles?


this question I believe you can use win api functions EnumWindowsProc to iterate through window handles and GetWindowThreadProcessId.. threadHandle return _results.ToArray private delegate int EnumWindowsProc IntPtr hwnd int lParam DllImport user32.Dll private static extern.. DllImport user32.Dll private static extern int EnumWindows EnumWindowsProc x int y DllImport user32.dll public static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId..

How can I get functionality similar to Spy++ in my C# app?


return _results.ToArray enum windows private delegate int EnumWindowsProc IntPtr hwnd int lParam DllImport user32.Dll private static extern.. DllImport user32.Dll private static extern int EnumWindows EnumWindowsProc x int y DllImport user32 private static extern bool EnumChildWindows.. private static extern bool EnumChildWindows IntPtr window EnumWindowsProc callback int lParam DllImport user32.dll public static extern..

Get URL from browser to C# application


static extern bool EnumChildWindows IntPtr hwndParent EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc IntPtr lParam public delegate bool Win32Callback.. static extern bool EnumChildWindows IntPtr hwndParent EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc IntPtr lParam public delegate bool Win32Callback..

I created a program to hide desktop icons on double click of desktop but would only like to hide icons on double click empty space


0 public bool FindWorkerW IntPtr hwnd IntPtr lParam EnumWindowsProc del new EnumWindowsProc FindWorkerWHelper EnumWindows del IntPtr.. IntPtr hwnd IntPtr lParam EnumWindowsProc del new EnumWindowsProc FindWorkerWHelper EnumWindows del IntPtr 0 return true public.. UnmanagedType.Bool static extern bool EnumWindows EnumWindowsProc lpEnumFunc IntPtr lParam DllImport user32.dll return MarshalAs..

.NET (C#): Getting child windows when you only have a process handle or PID?


If you don't mind using the Windows API you could use EnumWindowsProc and check each of the handles that that turns up using GetWindowThreadProcessId..