

c# Programming Glossary: environment.getenvironmentvariable

Getting the path of the home directory in C#?


Environment.OSVersion.Platform PlatformID.MacOSX Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable HOME Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables HOMEDRIVE HOMEPATH..

%APPDATA% in connection string is not substituted for the actual folder?


Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData or Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable APPDATA . There are two options Change your connection string..

C# - How to get Program Files (x86) on Windows Vista 64 bit


ProgramFilesx86 if 8 IntPtr.Size String.IsNullOrEmpty Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable.. PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ProgramFiles x86 return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable..

c# Check if an executable exists in the windows path


fileName return Path.GetFullPath fileName var values Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable PATH foreach var path in values.Split ' ' var fullPath Path.Combine..

How can I programmatically access the Google Chrome Home or Start page?


if osInfo.Version.Major LikeWin7 path Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable LocalAppData @ Google Chrome User Data Default if path null..

How to debug/break in codedom compiled code


false default parameters.TempFiles new TempFileCollection Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable TEMP true parameters.IncludeDebugInformation true I am not sure..

how to find the execution path of a installed software


private string LocateEXE String filename String path Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable path String folders path.Split ' ' foreach String folder in..