c# Programming Glossary: enumchildcallback
How to access Microsoft Word existing instance using late binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203968/how-to-access-microsoft-word-existing-instance-using-late-binding byte riid out IDispatch ptr public delegate bool EnumChildCallback int hwnd ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll public static extern.. public static extern bool EnumChildWindows int hWndParent EnumChildCallback lpEnumFunc ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll public static.. en us library dd317978 28VS.85 29.aspx EnumChildCallback cb new EnumChildCallback EnumChildProc EnumChildWindows hwnd..
How to use use late binding to get excel instance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/779363/how-to-use-use-late-binding-to-get-excel-instance byte riid out ExcelWindow ptr public delegate bool EnumChildCallback int hwnd ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll public static extern.. public static extern bool EnumChildWindows int hWndParent EnumChildCallback lpEnumFunc ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll public static.. the accessible child window it has class name EXCEL7 EnumChildCallback cb new EnumChildCallback EnumChildProc EnumChildWindows hwnd..
Get the excel cell address from a UDF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8708030/get-the-excel-cell-address-from-a-udf ref Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook _Workbook EnumChildCallback cb First get Excel's main window handle. int hwnd int Process.GetCurrentProcess.. delegate as the 2nd arg. if hwnd 0 int hwndChild 0 cb new EnumChildCallback EnumChildProc EnumChildWindows hwnd cb ref hwndChild If we.. ptr public delegate bool EnumChildCallback int hwnd ref int lParam DllImport User32.dll public static extern..