

c# Programming Glossary: e.location

Why do I (sometimes) have to reference assemblies referenced by the assembly I reference?


other.Source.TransformToDisplay null if transform null e.Location transform.InverseTransform e.Location To be precise it calls.. if transform null e.Location transform.InverseTransform e.Location To be precise it calls the System.Windows.Point overload of..

Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it


null this.Capture false Moving null RefreshLineSelection e.Location void LineMover_MouseDown object sender MouseEventArgs e RefreshLineSelection.. object sender MouseEventArgs e RefreshLineSelection e.Location if this.SelectedLine null Moving null this.Capture true Moving.. EndLinePoint SelectedLine.EndPoint StartMoveMousePoint e.Location RefreshLineSelection e.Location void LineMover_Paint object..

how to draw drawings in picture box


object sender MouseEventArgs e _Previous e.Location pictureBox1_MouseMove sender e private void pictureBox1_MouseMove.. pictureBox1.Image g.DrawLine Pens.Black _Previous.Value e.Location pictureBox1.Invalidate _Previous e.Location private void pictureBox1_MouseUp.. e.Location pictureBox1.Invalidate _Previous e.Location private void pictureBox1_MouseUp object sender MouseEventArgs..

C#: Problem displaying tooltip over a disabled control


sender MouseEventArgs e Control control GetChildAtPoint e.Location if control null if control.Enabled _currentToolTipControl null..

Can I display links in a ListView's detail mode?


object sender MouseEventArgs e var info listView1.HitTest e.Location if info.SubItem mSelected return if mSelected null mSelected.Font..

Find node clicked under context menu


A PictureBox Problem


movingPicturePosition transparentImg.Size if r.Contains e.Location isMoving true offset new Point movingPicturePosition.X e.X.. MouseEventArgs e if isMoving movingPicturePosition e.Location movingPicturePosition.Offset offset pictureBox1.Invalidate ..

treeview node is highlighted even i did not right click on the node


e if myTreeView.HitTest e.Location .Node null myTreeView.SelectedNode null This takes advantage..

Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text


richTextBox1.Text richTextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition e.Location Checks whether the current word i a URL change the regex to..

finding the value of the points in a chart


object sender MouseEventArgs e if clickPosition.HasValue e.Location clickPosition tooltip.RemoveAll clickPosition null void chart1_MouseClick.. chart1_MouseClick object sender MouseEventArgs e var pos e.Location clickPosition pos var results chart1.HitTest pos.X pos.Y false.. pos.Y tooltip.Show X xVal Y yVal this.chart1 e.Location.X e.Location.Y 15 Result EDIT to show the tooltip whenever..