

c# Programming Glossary: e.control

Adding a select all shortcut (Ctrl + A) to a .net listview?


object sender KeyEventArgs e if e.KeyCode Keys.A e.Control listView1.MultiSelect true foreach ListViewItem item in listView1.Items..

Parent Control Mouse Enter/Leave Events With Child Controls


Best way to limit textbox decimal input in c#


allow numbers only when no modifiers are active if e.Control e.Alt e.Shift suppress numbers with modifiers e.SuppressKeyPress.. is no '.' in the text and no modifiers are active if e.Control e.Alt e.Shift suppress numbers with modifiers e.SuppressKeyPress.. no minuses in the textbox and no modifiers are active if e.Control e.Alt e.Shift suppress numbers with modifiers e.SuppressKeyPress..

How to set hotkeys for a winform


handel void Form_KeyDown object sender KeyEventArgs e if e.Control e.KeyCode Keys.S Ctrl S Save do what you want here e.SuppressKeyPress..

Open dropdown(in a datagrid view) items on a single click


grid and there for control of type ComboBox ComboBox ctl e.Control as ComboBox ctl.Enter new EventHandler ctl_Enter ctl.Enter new..

Best way to databind a group of radiobuttons in WinForms


ControlEventArgs e base.OnControlAdded e var radioButton e.Control as RadioButton if radioButton null radioButton.CheckedChanged..

Textbox Autocomplete in a DataGridView Winform


row code source.AddRange stringArray TextBox prodCode e.Control as TextBox if prodCode null prodCode.AutoCompleteMode AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend..