

c# Programming Glossary: e.graphics.drawstring

C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node


iCol .Images iImage textRect.Left textRect.Top else e.Graphics.DrawString columnTextList iCol textFont new SolidBrush textColour textRect..

Programmatically “hello world” default SERVER-side printer in ASP.NET MVC


e.MarginBounds.Left var topMargin e.MarginBounds.Top e.Graphics.DrawString textToPrint printFont Brushes.Black leftMargin topMargin I had.. void ProvideContent object sender PrintPageEventArgs e e.Graphics.DrawString Hello world new Font Arial 12 Brushes.Black e.MarginBounds.Left..

how to print datagridview data on winforms?


true break else if bNewPage Draw Header e.Graphics.DrawString _ReportHeader new Font gw.Font FontStyle.Bold Brushes.Black.. .Height 13 String strDate Draw Date e.Graphics.DrawString strDate new Font gw.Font FontStyle.Bold Brushes.Black e.MarginBounds.Left.. iTopMargin int arrColumnWidths iCount iHeaderHeight e.Graphics.DrawString _GridCol i .HeaderText _GridCol i .InheritedStyle.Font new..

C# : changing listbox row color?


g.FillRectangle new SolidBrush Color.Silver e.Bounds e.Graphics.DrawString listBox1.Items e.Index .ToString e.Font myBrush e.Bounds StringFormat.GenericDefault.. listBox1.Items i .ToString .Contains existingStudents j e.Graphics.DrawString listBox1.Items i .ToString e.Font myBrush2 e.Bounds StringFormat.GenericDefault..

Best way to print from c# / .net?


dim topMargin as int e.MarginBounds.Top e.Graphics.DrawString textToPrint printFont Brushes.Black leftMargin topMargin End..

Placing Images and Strings with a C# Combobox


e.Bounds.Top Draw the value in this case the color name e.Graphics.DrawString item.Value e.Font new SolidBrush e.ForeColor e.Bounds.Left..

Printing on roll paper


e Font printFont new Font Courier New 12 int y 15 e.Graphics.DrawString a Line printFont Brushes.Black 0 y y y 20 e.Graphics.DrawString.. a Line printFont Brushes.Black 0 y y y 20 e.Graphics.DrawString Line printFont Brushes.Black 0 y y y 25 e.Graphics.DrawString.. Line printFont Brushes.Black 0 y y y 25 e.Graphics.DrawString Line printFont Brushes.Black 0 y y y 35 e.Graphics.DrawString..

How to rotate Text in GDI+?


so that the center of the string matches the center. e.Graphics.DrawString theString this.Font Brushes.Black sz.Width 2 sz.Height 2 Reset..

Colour Individual Items in a winforms ComboBox?


brush Brushes.Red else brush Brushes.Green Draw the text e.Graphics.DrawString text Control sender .Font brush e.Bounds.X e.Bounds.Y To fire..

C# Can I display images in a list box?


SizeF stringSize e.Graphics.MeasureString text this.Font e.Graphics.DrawString text this.Font new SolidBrush Color.White new PointF 5 e.Bounds.Y..

Drawing text in .NET


protected override void OnPaint PaintEventArgs e e.Graphics.DrawString Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii this.Font Brushes.Black..

C# Printing (RichTextBox)


YPosition TopMargin Count PrintFont.GetHeight e.Graphics e.Graphics.DrawString Line PrintFont PrintBrush LeftMargin YPosition new StringFormat..