c# Programming Glossary: e.y
Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10768570/graphic-drawline-draw-line-and-move-it e.X Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.X Moving.StartLinePoint.Y e.Y Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.Y Moving.Line.EndPoint new PointF.. e.X Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.X Moving.EndLinePoint.Y e.Y Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.Y RefreshLineSelection e.Location..
how to draw drawings in picture box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1537090/how-to-draw-drawings-in-picture-box object sender MouseEventArgs e _Previous new Point e.X e.Y pictureBox1_MouseMove sender e private void pictureBox1_MouseMove.. g.DrawLine _Pen _Previous.Value.X _Previous.Value.Y e.X e.Y pictureBox1.Invalidate _Previous new Point e.X e.Y.. g.DrawLine _Pen _Previous.Value.X _Previous.Value.Y e.X e.Y pictureBox1.Invalidate _Previous new Point e.X e.Y private..
How could I Drag and Drop DataGridView Rows under each other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1620947/how-could-i-drag-and-drop-datagridview-rows-under-each-other Rectangle.Empty dragBoxFromMouseDown.Contains e.X e.Y Proceed with the drag and drop passing in the list item. .. is below. rowIndexFromMouseDown dataGridView1.HitTest e.X e.Y .RowIndex if rowIndexFromMouseDown 1 Remember the point where.. new Rectangle new Point e.X dragSize.Width 2 e.Y dragSize.Height 2 dragSize else Reset the rectangle if the mouse..
right click context menu for datagrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1718389/right-click-context-menu-for-datagrid Paste int currentMouseOverRow dataGridView1.HitTest e.X e.Y .RowIndex if currentMouseOverRow 0 m.MenuItems.Add new MenuItem..
Find node clicked under context menu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2527/find-node-clicked-under-context-menu node treeView1.SelectedNode treeView1.GetNodeAt e.X e.Y if treeView1.SelectedNode null myContextMenuStrip.Show treeView1..
Draw a rectangle using Winforms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2529567/draw-a-rectangle-using-winforms redraws background g.DrawRectangle pen e.X e.Y 20 20 pen.Dispose brush.Dispose share improve this answer..
custom dialog with a text field in winmobile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/302680/custom-dialog-with-a-text-field-in-winmobile sender MouseEventArgs e _Moving true _Offset new Point e.X e.Y private void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs e.. this.Location newlocation.X e.X _Offset.X newlocation.Y e.Y _Offset.Y this.Location newlocation private void Form1_MouseUp..
A PictureBox Problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4144371/a-picturebox-problem Point movingPicturePosition.X e.X movingPicturePosition.Y e.Y private void pictureBox1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs..
Pass-through mouse events to parent control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547172/pass-through-mouse-events-to-parent-control e int xTrans e.X this.Location.X int yTrans e.Y this.Location.Y MouseEventArgs eTrans new MouseEventArgs e.Button..
Reorder a winforms listbox using drag and drop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805165/reorder-a-winforms-listbox-using-drag-and-drop e Point point listBox1.PointToClient new Point e.X e.Y int index this.listBox1.IndexFromPoint point if index 0 index..
Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873175/displaying-tooltip-on-mouse-hover-of-a-text p richTextBox1.Location tip.Show link this p.X e.X p.Y e.Y 32 You can change it the 35 to the tooltip's height controls..