

c# Programming Glossary: e.x

Graphic - DrawLine - draw line and move it


Moving.Line.StartPoint new PointF Moving.StartLinePoint.X e.X Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.X Moving.StartLinePoint.Y e.Y Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.Y.. Moving.Line.EndPoint new PointF Moving.EndLinePoint.X e.X Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.X Moving.EndLinePoint.Y e.Y Moving.StartMoveMousePoint.Y..

how to draw drawings in picture box


object sender MouseEventArgs e _Previous new Point e.X e.Y pictureBox1_MouseMove sender e private void pictureBox1_MouseMove.. pictureBox1.Image g.DrawLine _Pen _Previous.Value.X _Previous.Value.Y e.X e.Y pictureBox1.Invalidate _Previous.. g.DrawLine _Pen _Previous.Value.X _Previous.Value.Y e.X e.Y pictureBox1.Invalidate _Previous new Point e.X e.Y private..

How could I Drag and Drop DataGridView Rows under each other?


Rectangle.Empty dragBoxFromMouseDown.Contains e.X e.Y Proceed with the drag and drop passing in the list item... is below. rowIndexFromMouseDown dataGridView1.HitTest e.X e.Y .RowIndex if rowIndexFromMouseDown 1 Remember the point.. rectangle. dragBoxFromMouseDown new Rectangle new Point e.X dragSize.Width 2 e.Y dragSize.Height 2 dragSize else Reset..

right click context menu for datagrid


Paste int currentMouseOverRow dataGridView1.HitTest e.X e.Y .RowIndex if currentMouseOverRow 0 m.MenuItems.Add new..

Find node clicked under context menu


clicked node treeView1.SelectedNode treeView1.GetNodeAt e.X e.Y if treeView1.SelectedNode null myContextMenuStrip.Show..

Draw a rectangle using Winforms


this.panel1.Bounds redraws background g.DrawRectangle pen e.X e.Y 20 20 pen.Dispose brush.Dispose share improve this answer..

custom dialog with a text field in winmobile


sender MouseEventArgs e _Moving true _Offset new Point e.X e.Y private void Form1_MouseMove object sender MouseEventArgs.. if _Moving Point newlocation this.Location newlocation.X e.X _Offset.X newlocation.Y e.Y _Offset.Y this.Location newlocation..

A PictureBox Problem


isMoving true offset new Point movingPicturePosition.X e.X movingPicturePosition.Y e.Y private void pictureBox1_MouseMove..

Pass-through mouse events to parent control


object sender MouseEventArgs e int xTrans e.X this.Location.X int yTrans e.Y this.Location.Y MouseEventArgs..

Reorder a winforms listbox using drag and drop?


e Point point listBox1.PointToClient new Point e.X e.Y int index this.listBox1.IndexFromPoint point if index 0..

Displaying tooltip on mouse hover of a text


Point p richTextBox1.Location tip.Show link this p.X e.X p.Y e.Y 32 You can change it the 35 to the tooltip's height..