c# Programming Glossary: corners
How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1068373/how-to-calculate-the-average-rgb-color-values-of-a-bitmap Beware I didn't test this code... I may have cut some corners This code also asssumes a 32 bit image. For 24 bit images. Change..
C# generics compared to C++ templates [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1208153/c-sharp-generics-compared-to-c-templates adds up its arguments. There are plenty of other dark corners of the C template system it's an extremely powerful tool but..
Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1438371/win32-api-function-to-programmatically-enable-disable-device interface or if there is something somewhere in the dark corners of the framework that will do this maybe in WMI . Update 24..
How Do I Generate a 3-D Surface From Isolines? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1672176/how-do-i-generate-a-3-d-surface-from-isolines that the interpolated surfaces have empty regions near the corners due to the sparsity of contour data at those points. share..
iTextSharp - How to get the position of word on a page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375674/itextsharp-how-to-get-the-position-of-word-on-a-page and use those coordinates as the top and bottom corners Vector bottomLeft info.getDescentLine .getStartPoint Vector..
How to find one image inside of another? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2472467/how-to-find-one-image-inside-of-another in both images which will be trackable . So it looks like corners are really trackable since the area around it is kinda similar.. not going into details hence let's find some really strong corners in both images and search for corners which look most similar... some really strong corners in both images and search for corners which look most similar. This reduces the problem of searching..
Sliding & Fading controls on a C# form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2917918/sliding-fading-controls-on-a-c-sharp-form to have them slide. not just snap. slide to the opposite corners and replace eachothers position. Ive been working for awhile..
C# Form with custom border and rounded edges http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5092216/c-sharp-form-with-custom-border-and-rounded-edges so it wont look like the screenshot c# winforms rounded corners formborderstyle share improve this question The Region propery.. this question The Region propery simply cuts off the corners. To have a true rounded corner you will have to draw the rounded..
Change the Selected Color Listbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5519845/change-the-selected-color-listbox Background and have it display a gradient with round corners. I've searched Google and found that some people do change the.. background on the listboxitem. Now you also wanted rounded corners. If we go way up to the top of the ControlTemplate we'll see.. we want to add a CornerRadius attribute to get the corners rounded on the ListBoxItem. CornerRadius 5 And now you should..
How do I draw an image based on a simple polygon? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5728885/how-do-i-draw-an-image-based-on-a-simple-polygon and will allow you to better antialias as you can map the corners of the dest pixel to the source image and sample within it and..
How to draw rounded rectangle with variable width border inside of specific bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/628261/how-to-draw-rounded-rectangle-with-variable-width-border-inside-of-specific-boun gfxPath gfx.DrawPath DrawPen gfxPath c# gdi rounded corners share improve this question Alright guys I figured it out..
Winforms: SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout is not enough? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835100/winforms-suspendlayout-resumelayout-is-not-enough standard. Most of the time all we do is draw the rounded corners and add gradient to the background. We use GDI for all that...
Highlighting text ( colors ) of existing PDF using iTextsharp using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8582706/highlighting-text-colors-of-existing-pdf-using-itextsharp-using-c-sharp is an array of x y coords that essentially represent the corners of a rectangle technically quadrilateral . The spec says they..