c# Programming Glossary: cookieheader
Login to website and use cookie to get source for another page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2798610/login-to-website-and-use-cookie-to-get-source-for-another-page string.Format login_name 0 login_pass 1 xxx xxxx string cookieHeader WebRequest req WebRequest.Create loginUrl req.ContentType application.. bytes 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp req.GetResponse cookieHeader resp.Headers Set cookie String responseStream using StreamReader.. responseStream sr.ReadToEnd return cookieHeader I then pass the cookieHeader into this method which should be..
C# Login to Website via program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930807/c-sharp-login-to-website-via-program email_address 0 password 1 your email your password string cookieHeader WebRequest req WebRequest.Create formUrl req.ContentType application.. bytes 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp req.GetResponse cookieHeader resp.Headers Set cookie Here's an example of what you should.. WebRequest.Create getUrl getRequest.Headers.Add Cookie cookieHeader WebResponse getResponse getRequest.GetResponse using StreamReader..
C# https login and download file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9841344/c-sharp-https-login-and-download-file bypassAllCertificateStuff try string cookieHeader string formParams string.Format j_login 0 j_password 1 user.. 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp request.GetResponse cookieHeader resp.Headers Set cookie string pageSource string BehinPath.. WebRequest.Create BehinPath getRequest.Headers.Add Cookie cookieHeader WebResponse getResponse getRequest.GetResponse using StreamReader..