c# Programming Glossary: copyto
BindingList<T>.Sort() to behave like a List<T>.Sort() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1063917/bindinglistt-sort-to-behave-like-a-listt-sort clear your sort variables prop order T arr new T Count CopyTo arr 0 Array.Sort arr bool oldRaise RaiseListChangedEvents RaiseListChangedEvents..
copy list items from one list to another in sharepoint http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1075323/copy-list-items-from-one-list-to-another-in-sharepoint when a new list item is added to List A I tried using the CopyTo method of an SPListItem inside the ItemAdded event receiver.. a comment and can supply you with some guidance. The CopyTo method if you decide to go with that need an absolute Uri like..
C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/143405/c-sharp-interfaces-implicit-implementation-versus-explicit-implementation I know that sounds confusing but here is what I mean IList.CopyTo would be implicitly implememnted as public void CopyTo Array.. would be implicitly implememnted as public void CopyTo Array array int index throw new NotImplementedException and.. NotImplementedException and explicity as void ICollection.CopyTo Array array int index throw new NotImplementedException The..
How can I read an Access file (.accdb) from a stream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14475968/how-can-i-read-an-access-file-accdb-from-a-stream or via the Object Model. Since .Net 4. Streams have a CopyTo method you can use to convert the stream into a temporary accdb..
Reading compound documents in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/179128/reading-compound-documents-in-c-sharp snbExclude in uint reserved out out IStorage ppstg void CopyTo in uint ciidExclude size_is unique in Guid rgiidExclude should..
Difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/198496/difference-between-the-system-array-copyto-and-system-array-clone between the System.Array.CopyTo and System.Array.Clone What ™s the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo.. What ™s the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo and System.Array.Clone c# .net arrays .net 2.0 share improve.. containing all the elements in the original array. The CopyTo method copies the elements into another existing array. Both..
Best way to convert IList or IEnumerable to Array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268671/best-way-to-convert-ilist-or-ienumerable-to-array can either enumerate through it and build the array or use CopyTo a defined array. Is there any better way I went with the CopyTo.. a defined array. Is there any better way I went with the CopyTo approach. c# nhibernate share improve this question Which..
Array Concatenation in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2788636/array-concatenation-in-c-sharp share improve this question You could use CopyTo double d1 new double 5 double d2 new double 3 double dTotal.. double 3 double dTotal new double d1.Length d2.Length d1.CopyTo dTotal 0 d2.CopyTo dTotal d1.Length share improve this answer..
Does C# have a way of giving me an immutable Dictionary? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35002/does-c-sharp-have-a-way-of-giving-me-an-immutable-dictionary TKey TValue item return _dict.Contains item public void CopyTo KeyValuePair TKey TValue array int arrayIndex _dict.CopyTo.. KeyValuePair TKey TValue array int arrayIndex _dict.CopyTo array arrayIndex public int Count get return _dict.Count public..
How to implement ConcurrentHashSet in .Net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4306936/how-to-implement-concurrenthashset-in-net item return _internal.ContainsKey item public void CopyTo TElement array int arrayIndex _internal.Keys.CopyTo array arrayIndex.. void CopyTo TElement array int arrayIndex _internal.Keys.CopyTo array arrayIndex public bool Remove TElement item object ignore..
Extension Methods vs Static Utility Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4646328/extension-methods-vs-static-utility-class method next time you recompile. For example Stream gained CopyTo in .NET 4... I'd previously written a CopyTo extension method.. Stream gained CopyTo in .NET 4... I'd previously written a CopyTo extension method which then wouldn't be called. There's no warning..
Object cache for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/581119/object-cache-for-c-sharp item return dataAsCollection.Contains item public void CopyTo KeyValuePair TKey TValue array int arrayIndex dataAsCollection.CopyTo.. TKey TValue array int arrayIndex dataAsCollection.CopyTo array arrayIndex public int Count get return data.Count public..
Compression/Decompression string with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7343465/compression-decompression-string-with-c-sharp code to compress decompress a string public static void CopyTo Stream src Stream dest byte bytes new byte 4096 int cnt while.. var gs new GZipStream mso CompressionMode.Compress msi.CopyTo gs CopyTo msi gs return mso.ToArray public static string Unzip.. new GZipStream mso CompressionMode.Compress msi.CopyTo gs CopyTo msi gs return mso.ToArray public static string Unzip byte bytes..