c# Programming Glossary: counters
c# calculate CPU usage for a specific application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1277556/c-sharp-calculate-cpu-usage-for-a-specific-application
List all performance counters for a category http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1304949/list-all-performance-counters-for-a-category all performance counters for a category Is there a built in method in System.Diagnostics.. for retrieving all of the instantiated performance counters for a given CategoryName We have a number of multi threaded.. a number of multi threaded apps using custom performance counters and now need to add a dashboard for displaying the performance..
Creating a PerfMon counter to record an average per call (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1409762/creating-a-perfmon-counter-to-record-an-average-per-call-c to record an average per call C# How can I use PerfMon counters to record the average execution time of a method in C# So far.. First you need to specify and install the performance counters in question. You can do this by using an Installer public class..
What's the best way to benchmark programs in Windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145103/whats-the-best-way-to-benchmark-programs-in-windows using the Windows 2000 XP Performance monitor with custom counters for this but I don't think this is quite what I want. Are there..
What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777103/what-nosql-solutions-are-out-there-for-net it is to create a non blocking web server hosting named counters in node.js CoffeeScript app.get ' counters id' request response.. hosting named counters in node.js CoffeeScript app.get ' counters id' request response id request.params.id redis.incr id err..
How should I log exceptions in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2107220/how-should-i-log-exceptions-in-asp-net just exception logging . Also you may consider performance counters if what you're really trying to do is measure your application... your application. Again the benefit of using performance counters is that after publishing the data you won't have to worry about..
How can I get CPU load per core in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2938629/how-can-i-get-cpu-load-per-core-in-c namespace. From there you can grab any of the performance counters you wish however it takes a second 1 1.5s to initialize those.. on native .net calculation for 100nsInverse performance counters returns only 0 or 100 for me ... bug but you have to calculate..
Using PerformanceCounter to track memory and CPU usage per process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3411805/using-performancecounter-to-track-memory-and-cpu-usage-per-process 1024 1024 MB CPU cpu Performance counter also has other counters than Working set and Processor time. share improve this answer..
How to determine total size of ASP.Net cache? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/344210/how-to-determine-total-size-of-asp-net-cache v2.0.50727 category I have the following cache related counters Cache Machine Memory Limit Used Cache Process Memory Limit Used.. it out. I do not have personal experience with these counters so you will have to do some research and testing to verify... Here is a quick start article on reading from performance counters http quickstart.developerfusion.co.uk quickstart howto doc PCRead.aspx..
C# memory usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3803003/c-sharp-memory-usage Russinovich's excellent post on the different kinds of counters in Windows. .NET only complicates matters further. A .NET process..
Calculating Bandwidth http://stackoverflow.com/questions/442409/calculating-bandwidth One way is to retrieve the value of the performance counters .NET CLR Networking Bytes Received and .NET CLR Networking Bytes.. null str name.Name return str Note that the performance counters aren't created until the first time you use the relevant network..
How do I see memory allocation in a given .NET application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/625465/how-do-i-see-memory-allocation-in-a-given-net-application Use the Category .Net CLR Memory to see a lot of counters available. You have to see what the difference in system load..
Monitoring Garbage Collector in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9669963/monitoring-garbage-collector-in-c-sharp Monitor to access the production machine's performance counters for .NET garbage collection and view those statistics. You can..
Correct way to use PerformanceCounter in .NET to measure CPU usage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11504438/correct-way-to-use-performancecounter-in-net-to-measure-cpu-usage processor. This is the first time I am using Performance Counters. So some of the questions may be silly. c# .net performancecounter..
c# calculate CPU usage for a specific application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1277556/c-sharp-calculate-cpu-usage-for-a-specific-application cpu usage share improve this question Performance Counters Process Processor Time. Little sample code to give you the idea..
Parameters passed by reference come back garbage using P/Invoke http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1753413/parameters-passed-by-reference-come-back-garbage-using-p-invoke char pName unsigned long pDIOBytes unsigned long pCounters I have set the parameters to known values before calling the.. char pName unsigned long pDIOBytes unsigned long pCounters printf PID d DIOBYtes d Counters d Name s pPID pDIOBytes pCounters.. pDIOBytes unsigned long pCounters printf PID d DIOBYtes d Counters d Name s pPID pDIOBytes pCounters pName pPID 9 pDIOBytes 8 pCounters..
What is the correct Performance Counter to get CPU and Memory Usage of a Process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4679962/what-is-the-correct-performance-counter-to-get-cpu-and-memory-usage-of-a-process all Categories see Walkthrough Retrieving Categories and Counters The difference between Processor Processor Time and Process.. For full description of category names Performance Monitor Counters An alternative to using the Performance Counter Use System.Diagnostics.Process.TotalProcessorTime..
Performance Counter - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8171865/performance-counter-system-invalidoperationexception-category-does-not-exist number of current Request per Second of IIS. I call RefreshCounters every minute in order to keep Requests per Second value refreshed.. RequestsPerSecond I call that property. public class Counters private static PerformanceCounter pcReqsPerSec private const.. EXCEPTION else return 0 internal static string RefreshCounters lock counterKey try if pcReqsPerSec null pcReqsPerSec.Dispose..
VS 2010 Load Tests Results with custom counters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8990448/vs-2010-load-tests-results-with-custom-counters I can get Min Max and Avg values like all others Load Test Counters e.g. Test Response Time . Is that possible c# visual studio.. CustomCounterSet Create the Counters collection and add my custom counters CounterCreationDataCollection.. counters.Add new CounterCreationData Counters.RequestDelayTime.ToString Keeps the actual request delay time..