c# Programming Glossary: cornerradius
Complex UI inside ListBoxItem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15532639/complex-ui-inside-listboxitem DataTemplate Border BorderThickness 1 BorderBrush Gray CornerRadius 8 Padding 4 0 4 0 Grid Grid.ColumnDefinitions ColumnDefinition..
Loading XAML XML through runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4077318/loading-xaml-xml-through-runtime Width 300 Background Transparent Border Background Black CornerRadius 10 BorderThickness 4 BorderBrush RoyalBlue Grid Grid.RowDefinitions.. Width 300 Background Transparent Border Background Black CornerRadius 10 BorderThickness 4 BorderBrush RoyalBlue Grid Grid.RowDefinitions..
How to draw rounded rectangle with variable width border inside of specific bounds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/628261/how-to-draw-rounded-rectangle-with-variable-width-border-inside-of-specific-boun DrawRoundedRectangle Graphics gfx Rectangle Bounds int CornerRadius Pen DrawPen Color FillColor GraphicsPath gfxPath new GraphicsPath.. LineCap.Round gfxPath.AddArc Bounds.X Bounds.Y CornerRadius CornerRadius 180 90 gfxPath.AddArc Bounds.X Bounds.Width CornerRadius.. gfxPath.AddArc Bounds.X Bounds.Y CornerRadius CornerRadius 180 90 gfxPath.AddArc Bounds.X Bounds.Width CornerRadius Bounds.Y..
WPF MVVM Modal Overlay Dialog only over a View (not Window) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6351612/wpf-mvvm-modal-overlay-dialog-only-over-a-view-not-window BorderBrush Black BorderThickness 1 Background AliceBlue CornerRadius 10 0 10 0 VerticalAlignment Center HorizontalAlignment Center..
WPF Styles/Template inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070421/wpf-styles-template-inheritance Border Name dropShadowBorder BorderThickness 0 0 0 1 CornerRadius 1 Border.BorderBrush SolidColorBrush Color #00000000 Border.BorderBrush.. BorderThickness Padding TemplateBinding Padding CornerRadius 0 Background TemplateBinding Background Border.BorderBrush.. by defining an attached property called ExtendedProperties.CornerRadius . I can then set it in my style Style TargetType Button Setter..
Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7434245/validation-error-style-in-wpf-similar-to-silverlight Horizontal Border BorderThickness 1 BorderBrush #FFdc000c CornerRadius 0.7 VerticalAlignment Top Grid Polygon x Name toolTipCorner.. errorBorder Background #FFdc000c Margin 1 0 0 0 Opacity 0 CornerRadius 1.5 IsHitTestVisible False MinHeight 24 MaxWidth 267 Border.Effect..
WPF C# InputBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8103743/wpf-c-sharp-inputbox 250 Background Orange BorderBrush Black BorderThickness 1 CornerRadius 0 55 0 55 HorizontalAlignment Center VerticalAlignment Center..