

c# Programming Glossary: compliance

Event Signature in .NET — Using a Strong Typed 'Sender'?


think of any downsides to this. There may be some CLS compliance issues here. This does run in Visual Basic .NET 2008 100 fine..

Reading XML with an “&” into C# XMLDocument Object


your document source to have at least a certain amount of compliance and consistency. For example I've found that people are often..

Controls versus standard HTML


some of the ASP.NET controls wouldn't render to standards compliance. I sit somewhere in the middle use HTML where appropriate and..

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]


detection Tools Fxcop excellent tool by Microsoft. Check compliance with .net framework guidelines. No longer available as a standalone..

How can I embed an application manifest into an application using VS2008?


a manifest to your project by default in order to ensure compliance with UAC found in Windows Vista and 7. If you want to specify..

To underscore or to not to underscore, that is the question


insensitive language such as VB.NET will there by any CLS compliance or other problems if the names are only distinguishable by casing..

What kind of technologies are available for sending text messages?


that shortcode. They can also make sure that you are in compliance with any rules regarding using SMS. Carriers will flat shut..

Why are unsigned int's not CLS compliant?


CLR why force them to implement unsigned ints to gain CLS compliance if there is absolutely no concept ever share improve this..

How to programmatically turn off quirks mode in IE8 WebBrowser control?


How can I disable quirks mode and force IE into standards compliance as far as it is implemented c# internet explorer 8 webbrowser.. c# internet explorer 8 webbrowser control standards compliance quirks mode share improve this question I think the issue..