

c# Programming Glossary: complexities

C# and Excel interop


use. Making a strong named interop assembly does have some complexities to consider however. For some more details have a read of Using..

Why does string.Compare seem to handle accented characters inconsistently?


at work see http unicode.org reports tr10 To address the complexities of language sensitive sorting a multilevel comparison algorithm..

DataGridView not showing properites of objects which implement ICustomTypeDescriptor


so that downstream callers don't have to worry about the complexities PropertyDescriptor newProps new PropertyDescriptor props.Count..

Should C# have multiple inheritance? [closed]


to use them wisely and are incapable of addressing the complexities when they arise I personally would welcome the introduction..

How to auto save and auto load all properties in winforms C#?


settings might not cut it as controls will have various complexities Button TextBox Gridview ListView Now you need to figure out..

Validation Framework in .NET that can do edits between fields


you choose. I've written an article that describes the complexities we're facing with in these situations read and shiver . Third..

Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS)


had to change is the following although there are probably complexities I'm missing here ..... Inside Mono.CSharp.Evaluator I added..

Compress large Integers into smallest possible string


only 5 base 64 characters would be required. The added complexities and reliance upon the structure very likely outweigh any marginal..

AutoMapper for Func's between selector types


code and have gained an appreciation for the nuances and complexities of dealing with expression trees share improve this answer..

How to prevent System.Xml.XmlException: Invalid character in the given encoding


12 Self Study DOCUMENT The LINQ statements have their own complexities but I think it works OK it is the LOAD that fails. I have looked..

Simplify Overriding Equals(), GetHashCode() in C# for Better Maintainability


en us library dd183755.aspx Still there are complexities surrounding stability of the hash code while an object participates..