c# Programming Glossary: concurrent
Are static methods thread safe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1090650/are-static-methods-thread-safe is are Static classes thread safe In my example will concurrent users cause a problem with my start and stop times e.g a different..
Multiple Aggregates / Repositories in one Transaction http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11445657/multiple-aggregates-repositories-in-one-transaction it's boundary each aggregate should be protected from concurrent transactions. e.g. two users making a change to an aggregate..
How accurate is Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1303667/how-accurate-is-thread-sleeptimespan not that accurate. CPU load process priorities number of concurrent threads even from other processes will have effect upon it...
Illustrating usage of the volatile keyword in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133270/illustrating-usage-of-the-volatile-keyword-in-c-sharp keyword. Ideally it should be a program which performs concurrent access to a non volatile static field and which gets incorrect..
Adjusting HttpWebRequest Connection Timeout in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1500955/adjusting-httpwebrequest-connection-timeout-in-c-sharp throttle your requests and only actually submit as many concurrent connections as the value of the corresponding ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit..
.NET Asynchronous stream read/write http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1540658/net-asynchronous-stream-read-write as the byte field is exposed and may be shared among concurrent NetToFile invocations. I don't know how to solve this problem.. Programing course. c# .net concurrency asynchronous concurrent programming share improve this question You are going to..
Why is F# so special? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/159356/why-is-f-so-special As @ pmlarocque indicated this also makes it excellent for concurrent programming. From the F# FAQ What application areas are envisaged..
What's the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24200/whats-the-fastest-way-to-bulk-insert-a-lot-of-data-in-sql-server-c-client data to generate the output. Jason I am not doing any concurrent queries against the table during the import process I will try..
Trying to run multiple HTTP requests in parallel, but being limited by Windows (registry) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2960056/trying-to-run-multiple-http-requests-in-parallel-but-being-limited-by-windows for HTTP connections. The default maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by a ServicePoint object is 2. So if you..
WCF HttpTransport: streamed vs buffered TransferMode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4043683/wcf-httptransport-streamed-vs-buffered-transfermode threw OutOfMemory exceptions when responding to several concurrent requests even if Task Manager reported ~600 Mb for the process.. small nor eligible for GC. Now imagine you have multiple concurrent requests in that case BufferManager will create separate buffers.. case BufferManager will create separate buffers for all concurrent requests which will never be cleaned up unless you manually..
C# (.NET) Design Flaws [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411906/c-sharp-net-design-flaws about fixing events both for empty event lists and in the concurrent setting though the latter is tricky operators should be defined..
Is this thread.abort() normal and safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421389/is-this-thread-abort-normal-and-safe to actually hang don't bother trying to allow multiple concurrent requests. If a request is currently in progress wait for it..
C# thread pool limiting threads http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444627/c-sharp-thread-pool-limiting-threads
Multithreaded NamePipeServer in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4570653/multithreaded-namepipeserver-in-c-sharp More scalable implementations if large numbers of concurrent callers need to be supported would use thread pooling and the..
High performance TCP server in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023264/high-performance-tcp-server-in-c-sharp performance server that can handle at least 5 10 thousand concurrent connections getting raw byte data via GPRS from GPS devices...
C# - What is the best way to modify a list in a 'foreach' loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/759966/c-sharp-what-is-the-best-way-to-modify-a-list-in-a-foreach-loop
.NET Asynchronous stream read/write http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1540658/net-asynchronous-stream-read-write stream read write I have been trying to solve this Concurrent Programming exam exercise in C# Knowing that Stream class contains.. method solution because that's not in the curriculum of Concurrent Programing course. c# .net concurrency asynchronous concurrent..
Does lock() guarantee acquired in order requested? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4228864/does-lock-guarantee-acquired-in-order-requested similar. EDIT I've just found this within Joe Duffy's Concurrent Programming on Windows which basically agrees Because monitors..
What is the difference between SynchronizedCollection<T> and the other concurrent collections? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4655150/what-is-the-difference-between-synchronizedcollectiont-and-the-other-concurren the other concurrent collections in the System.Collections.Concurrent namespace differ from each other apart from Concurrent Collections.. namespace differ from each other apart from Concurrent Collections being a namespace and SynchronizedCollection T being.. a class SynchronizedCollection T and all of the classes in Concurrent Collection provide thread safe collections. So how do I decide..
What is the difference between concurrency, parallelism and asynchronous methods? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4844637/what-is-the-difference-between-concurrency-parallelism-and-asynchronous-methods multithreading concurrency share improve this question Concurrent and parallel are effectively the same principle as you correctly..
Beginners threading in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/533042/beginners-threading-in-c-sharp
Turning async socket Parallel and not only Concurrent in very intensive application using TPL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5834755/turning-async-socket-parallel-and-not-only-concurrent-in-very-intensive-applicat async socket Parallel and not only Concurrent in very intensive application using TPL I'm writing an application.. MSDN Sample . But I think it point only how to make it Concurrent and not Parallel here is someone asking How cpu intensive is..
Is there a synchronization class that guarantee FIFO order in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/961869/is-there-a-synchronization-class-that-guarantee-fifo-order-in-c share improve this question Just reading Joe Duffy's Concurrent Programming on Windows it sounds like you'll usually get FIFO..
Monitoring Garbage Collector in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9669963/monitoring-garbage-collector-in-c-sharp Collector Error stress.Start And I've added the gcConcurrent option to my app.config file below xml version 1.0 configuration.. log4net net 2.0 configSections runtime gcConcurrent enabled false runtime log4net appender name Root.ALL type log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender.. of the Workstation version concurrent and non concurrent. Concurrent This is the version turned on by default whenever the workstation..
how to read from Xml File and put the list of element in listView on the form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9939567/how-to-read-from-xml-file-and-put-the-list-of-element-in-listview-on-the-form 4 6pm TutorialSlot Module Module Code 3SFE555 Code Name Concurrent Programming Name Capacity 5 Capacity Semester 2 Semester Prerequisites..