

c# Programming Glossary: concept

Code for decoding/encoding a modified base64 URL


up my UriTemplate matching. Then I found that there is a concept of a modified Base64 for URL from wikipedia A modified Base64..

Bit fields in C#


more error checking and a slightly saner typing but the concept is I think sound reusable and lets you knock out easily maintained..

How to create and connect custom user buttons/controls with lines using windows forms


your original screenshot Link to source code . I added the concept of SnapSpot into the equation. These are the little red semi..

Multiple Inheritance in C#


because it would make source more complex MI is a useful concept the un answered questions are ones like What do you do when..

Getting the size of a field in bytes with C#


all of them . The cost of a single variable just isn't a concept which makes a lot of sense here. share improve this answer..

What exactly is an “open generic type” in .NET? [duplicate]


Dictionary string int are closed types. There's a related concept An unbound generic type is a generic type with unspecified type..

How to create a simple proxy in C#?


but I really wanted something basic to understand more the concept. ASP Proxy I might be able to get some information over here..

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation


IItemStore T Fetch void Store T item int Count get The concept here is simple we'll let the public Pool class handle the common..

databind the Source property of the WebBrowser in WPF


bound to the list item. This is what I have as a proof of concept so far but the WebBrowser Source Binding Path WebAddress does..

What requirement was the tuple designed to solve?


had some other meaning in the business logic. The concept of group together a bunch of otherwise unrelated data in some..

How do you get the index of the current iteration of a foreach loop?


MoveNext updates Current to the next object. Obviously the concept of an index is foreign to the concept of enumeration and cannot.. Obviously the concept of an index is foreign to the concept of enumeration and cannot be done. Because of that most collections..

Inline functions in C#?


do inline functions in C# I don't think I understand the concept. Are they like anonymous methods Like lambda functions EDIT..

Why are unsigned int's not CLS compliant?


share improve this question Not all languages have the concept of unsigned ints. For example VB 6 had no concept of unsigned.. have the concept of unsigned ints. For example VB 6 had no concept of unsigned ints which I suspect drove the decision of the designers..

The purpose of delegates [duplicate]


confusing. Can someone give a good usefull example of this concept c# .net delegates share improve this question Yeah You're..

Create Generic method constraining T to an Enum


an Enum I'm building a function to extend the Enum.Parse concept that Allows a default value to be parsed in case that an Enum..

Understanding events and event handlers in C#


the pointer can be passed around as a value. The central concept of a delegate is its signature or shape. That is the return..

Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#?


to do a survey of all the languages figure out the common concepts and decide how to express them in a language neutral manner... what this would mean for languages that don't want this concept presumably VB.NET for example . Of course that's the business..