c# Programming Glossary: completeness
check if unmanaged dll is 32-bit or 64-bit? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1001404/check-if-unmanaged-dll-is-32-bit-or-64-bit I only needed three of these but I included them all for completeness. Final 64 bit check returns true if the dll is 64 bit false..
C# WebClient - View source question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1471062/c-sharp-webclient-view-source-question stuff you're already doing but I included everything for completeness. In order to scrape effectively you may need to deal with one..
switch / pattern matching idea http://stackoverflow.com/questions/156467/switch-pattern-matching-idea to the equivalent C# composite conditional statement. For completeness the Func ... based version took 4 times as long as the C# conditional..
how do i seed a random class to avoid getting duplicate random values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1785744/how-do-i-seed-a-random-class-to-avoid-getting-duplicate-random-values will be far from uniform distribution. For the sake of completeness if you really need to reseed a Random you'll create a new instance..
Is there a reason Image.FromFile throws an OutOfMemoryException for an invalid image format? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2610416/is-there-a-reason-image-fromfile-throws-an-outofmemoryexception-for-an-invalid-i another program's problem. So OOM is what it reports. For completeness these are the error codes enum Status Ok 0 GenericError 1 InvalidParameter..
How to Zip one IEnumerable with itself http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768834/how-to-zip-one-ienumerable-with-itself have enough rep to post more than one link. Begin edit For completeness if anyone gets here after searching for Distance Area or Centroid..
What is the best practice for “Copy Local” and with project references? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280751/what-is-the-best-practice-for-copy-local-and-with-project-references Microsoft.Common.targets into Common.targets . For completeness the resulting target definition then becomes This is a modified..
Multi-client, async sockets in c#, best practices? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/284885/multi-client-async-sockets-in-c-best-practices with a third party so this is really just added for completeness. I feel as if I could write much more about this but it is already..
Split string containing command-line parameters into string[] in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298830/split-string-containing-command-line-parameters-into-string-in-c-sharp by Earwicker it may be worth mentioning for sake of completeness that Windows also provides the CommandLineToArgvW function for..
How can I embed an application manifest into an application using VS2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4383288/how-can-i-embed-an-application-manifest-into-an-application-using-vs2008 drop down box labeled Manifest . Finally for the sake of completeness or if the above steps don't work for you you can still use mt.exe..
Capture username with log4net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4813242/capture-username-with-log4net This seems a lot easier than what I proposed For completeness if someone wants to know how to do the same thing in NLog NLog..
Casting List<T> - covariance/contravariance problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4931789/casting-listt-covariance-contravariance-problem way Please mind that I need .NET 2.0 solution but for completeness I would be happy to see the more elegant solutions using newer..
Interprocess communication for Windows in C# (.NET 2.0) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/50153/interprocess-communication-for-windows-in-c-sharp-net-2-0 code.google.com p protobuf csharp rpc WM_COPYDATA For completeness it's also possible to use the WIN32 method with the WM_COPYDATA..
How to check if a number is a power of 2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/600293/how-to-check-if-a-number-is-a-power-of-2 this problem bool IsPowerOfTwo ulong x return x x 1 0 For completeness zero is not a power of two. If you want to take into account..
How to access session variables from any class in ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621549/how-to-access-session-variables-from-any-class-in-asp-net variables share improve this question Updated for completeness You can access session variables from any page or control using..
Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070011/writing-large-number-of-records-bulk-insert-to-access-in-net-c took longer increasing the time to 3.1 seconds. Lastly for completeness all of this code was in a simple static class and the using..
This code returns distinct values. However, what I want is to return a strongly typed collection as opposed to an anonymous type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7336275/this-code-returns-distinct-values-however-what-i-want-is-to-return-a-strongly to compare in LINQ implement Equals and GetHashCode for completeness or create a separate IEqualityComparer T implementation. share..
What is the point of the ISerializable interface? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/810974/what-is-the-point-of-the-iserializable-interface as are cross platform formats like protocol buffers. For completeness protobuf net does include hooks for ISerializable allowing you..
Is there a way to check if WPF is currently executing in design mode or not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/834283/is-there-a-way-to-check-if-wpf-is-currently-executing-in-design-mode-or-not Edit And finally in the interest of completeness the equivalent in WinRT Metro Windows Store applications is..
How to Fix the Memory Leak in IE WebBrowser Control? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/904478/how-to-fix-the-memory-leak-in-ie-webbrowser-control thread 88c21427 e765 46e8 833d 6021ef79e0c8 for completeness ill post the notable excerpt in class definition DllImport KERNEL32.DLL..