

c# Programming Glossary: complaining

Unhandled exceptions in BackgroundWorker


life of me figure out how to stop the .NET error dialog complaining about the Unhandled exception from occurring. Isn't the BackgroundWorker..

using statement FileStream and / or StreamReader - Visual Studio 2012 Warnings


Visual Studio 2012 Warnings The new Visual Studio 2012 is complaining about a common code combination I have always used. I know it..

DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode


donn't think I clearly read your question. The reason it's complaining about the data on postback is because the format you're trying..

Why does my .NET application crash when run from a network drive?


this annoyance in .NET 3.5 SP1 after a lot of developers complaining . I google'd it .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Allows managed code to..

Streaming input to System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine


formatInfo At the line above a NotSupportedException complaining that This stream does not support seek operations. Does anyone..

Why do I get “error: … must be a reference type” in my C# generic method?


TEntity class T must be a reference type The compiler is complaining because your method has no constraints on T which means that..

Does this code really cause an “access to modified closure” problem?


query. But that is where they are already Resharper stops complaining if I merely add int voicesSoFar1 voicesSoFar right after int..

Test run errors with MSTest in VS2010


Server Error. I don't understand half of what it's complaining about. How do I get rid of these errors And for reference Booking.Web..

Child Scope & CS0136


declaration onwards but the whole scope. The compiler is complaining because the assignment to postParent is outside its scope which..

How to solve “unable to switch the encoding” error when inserting XML into SQL Server


insert into XML column SQL SERVER 2008 R2 but the server's complaining System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException 0x80131904 XML parsing line..

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


reader.ReadToEnd txt1.Text resString but ImageShack is complaining that links error id parameter_missing Sorry but we've detected..

DataTable internal index is corrupted


to an ASP.Net fix that is completely unrelated. Ok enough complaining. Let's see what has actually helped me in resolving this particular..

How to enumerate the LOCALIZED alphabet in C#?


For I 0 To Usb.Length 1 '' This is to stop the compiler complaining about lambda expressions loopI I '' If the bit is set If..

SerializationBinder with List<T>


the assembly name they came from the BinaryFormatter is complaining that it can't find the right assembly. So I created a custom..

Why does the WPF designer fail to load libraries that call into unmanaged DLLs?


into the C DLL and rebuild everything the designer stops complaining and loads the C CLI assembly without complaint. I suspect this..

MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call


ajax there was no form context to work with and instead of complaining it just didn't write out the data validation attributes. Adding..

Serializable classes and dynamic proxies in EF - how?


the collection not Claim this explains why the cloner is complaining that the type is not serializable. so the question now is how..