c# Programming Glossary: completed
HttpClient.GetAsync(…) never returns when using await/async http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10343632/httpclient-getasync-never-returns-when-using-await-async request is sent out and HttpClient.GetAsync returns an uncompleted Task . AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync awaits the Task since it.. is not complete AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync returns an uncompleted Task . Test5Controller.Get blocks the current thread until that.. comes in and the Task returned by HttpClient.GetAsync is completed. AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync attempts to resume within the ASP.NET..
What is AsyncCallback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047662/what-is-asynccallback the code will poll the IAsyncResult to see whether it has completed. Make the asynchronous call IAsyncResult result strm.BeginRead..
ProcessStartInfo hanging on “WaitForExit”? Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/139593/processstartinfo-hanging-on-waitforexit-why timeout errorWaitHandle.WaitOne timeout Process completed. Check process.ExitCode here. else Timed out. share improve..
.NET Asynchronous stream read/write http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1540658/net-asynchronous-stream-read-write buffer offset buffer.Length null null wait until read is completed ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne get number of bytes read on each.. NetToFile_Option2 NetworkStream net FileStream file var completedEvent new ManualResetEvent false copy as usual but listen for.. copier new AsyncStreamCopier net file copier.Completed s e completedEvent.Set copier.Start completedEvent.WaitOne summary The Async..
Can I show file copy progress using FileInfo.CopyTo() in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187768/can-i-show-file-copy-progress-using-fileinfo-copyto-in-net the total number of files to be copied and the percentage completed for the copy operations. There is also a progress bar that is..
Reading large text files with streams in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2161895/reading-large-text-files-with-streams-in-c-sharp Then return the stringbuilder to the main thread once its completed. The contents will be going to a StringBuilder can I initialise..
Best way to copy between two Stream instances http://stackoverflow.com/questions/230128/best-way-to-copy-between-two-stream-instances This will return a Task that can be continued on when completed like so await input.CopyToAsync output Code from here on will..
Is it considered acceptable to not call Dispose() on a TPL Task object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3734280/is-it-considered-acceptable-to-not-call-dispose-on-a-tpl-task-object to the Task. You can't call dispose on a task until it is completed so having the main thread wait and call dispose would defeat.. in the first place. There also doesn't seem to be any completed finished event that could be used for cleanup. The MSDN page..
C# client send SOAP request (and get results)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4791794/c-sharp-client-send-soap-request-and-get-results get the response from the completed web request. string soapResult using WebResponse webResponse..
Multi-threaded splash screen in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48916/multi-threaded-splash-screen-in-c come from there Wouldn't it not load until the form is completed anyway I'm not looking for a code handout more of an algorithm.. on then closes it automatically once the main form has completed loading. This really makes things simple and the VisualBasic.WindowsFormsApplicationBase..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents one resumes trying to finish a job that was already completed. If that doesn't bomb with an exception then surely the data..
TransactionScope vs Transaction in LINQ to SQL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/542525/transactionscope-vs-transaction-in-linq-to-sql SQL commands. When all SQL commands have been successfully completed LINQ to SQL commits the local transaction and returns. share..
How to elevate privileges only when required? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573086/how-to-elevate-privileges-only-when-required dialog box and then quit after this action has been completed. Thus it should hardly be noticeable to the user that a new..
How to use WebBrowser control DocumentCompleted event in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/840813/how-to-use-webbrowser-control-documentcompleted-event-in-c get fired more then once after each document has been completed . It was highly likely that program would have tried to read.. would have tried to read data from DOM that was not completed and naturally fail. But suddenly while writing this question.. does FuNKY stuff. Even if you detect that the document has completed in most cases it wont stay like that forever. Page update can..
Can I change a private readonly field in C# using reflection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/934930/can-i-change-a-private-readonly-field-in-c-sharp-using-reflection I change a private readonly field after the constructor completed its execution note just curiosity public class Foo private readonly..
What is AsyncCallback? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1047662/what-is-asynccallback CompleteRead IAsyncResult result Console.WriteLine Read Completed FileStream strm FileStream result.AsyncState Finished so we.. null null Poll testing to see if complete while result.IsCompleted Do more work here if the call isn't complete Thread.Sleep 100..
How do I serialize all properties of an NHibernate-mapped object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1190718/how-do-i-serialize-all-properties-of-an-nhibernate-mapped-object id property name Assigned property name Due property name Completed property name UglyHack insert false update false many to one.. value private DateTime m_completed public virtual DateTime Completed get return m_completed set m_completed value public bool UglyHack..
Returning a value from thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1314155/returning-a-value-from-thread bg.DoWork new DoWorkEventHandler bg_DoWork bg.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler bg_RunWorkerCompleted bg.RunWorkerAsync.. bg_DoWork bg.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler bg_RunWorkerCompleted bg.RunWorkerAsync while done.. new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler bg_RunWorkerCompleted bg.RunWorkerAsync while done Console.WriteLine Waiting in..
“Dialogs must be user-initiated.” with SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1355078/dialogs-must-be-user-initiated-with-savefiledialog-in-silverlight-3 Web service call invoked to get the image from server OnCompleted async event handler of the web method call get invoked and receives.. and receives the binary image from the server Within the OnCompleted event handler SaveFileDialog prompted to user for saving the.. following code in a function which is called from the OnCompleted event handler to accomplish SaveFileDialog prompt and then streaming..
.NET Asynchronous stream read/write http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1540658/net-asynchronous-stream-read-write var copier new AsyncStreamCopier net file copier.Completed s e completedEvent.Set copier.Start completedEvent.WaitOne .. public class AsyncStreamCopier public event EventHandler Completed private readonly Stream input private readonly Stream output.. int bytesRead input.EndRead ar if bytesRead 0 RaiseCompleted return write synchronously output.Write buffer 0 bytesRead..
Webbrowser behaviour issues http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18572635/webbrowser-behaviour-issues http www.test.com webbrowserIE.DocumentCompleted fillup_LoadCompleted void fillup_LoadCompleted object sender.. www.test.com webbrowserIE.DocumentCompleted fillup_LoadCompleted void fillup_LoadCompleted object sender System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs.. fillup_LoadCompleted void fillup_LoadCompleted object sender System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs..
How do I run a simple bit of code in a new thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/363377/how-do-i-run-a-simple-bit-of-code-in-a-new-thread ProgressChangedEventArgs args label1.Text string.Format 0 Completed args.ProgressPercentage what to do when worker completes its.. when worker completes its task notify the user bw.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler delegate object o RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs.. task notify the user bw.RunWorkerCompleted new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler delegate object o RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args..
Enum ToString http://stackoverflow.com/questions/479410/enum-tostring of the following values private enum PublishStatusses NotCompleted Completed Error I want to be able to output these values in.. values private enum PublishStatusses NotCompleted Completed Error I want to be able to output these values in a user friendly.. the enum private enum PublishStatusses Description Not Completed NotCompleted Completed Error Then use this code to retrieve..
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c incremented keys. Capacity 312874 MemSize 2660827 bytes Completed Resize 5ms Total time to fill 889ms Capacity number of elements.. getting a byte length accurate enough for our purposes . Completed Resize the time it takes to resize the internal array from 150862.. differ that much Capacity 312874 MemSize 2660827 bytes Completed Resize 26ms Total time to fill 964ms Obviously the big difference..
Fading out a window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5958508/fading-out-a-window BeginStoryboard Storyboard Name FormFadeOut Completed FormFadeOut_Completed DoubleAnimation Name FormFadeOutAnimation.. Storyboard Name FormFadeOut Completed FormFadeOut_Completed DoubleAnimation Name FormFadeOutAnimation Storyboard.TargetName.. actually closing start an animation and close it when the Completed event of the animation occurs. e.g. Window ... Closing Window_Closing..
The current SynchronizationContext may not be used as a TaskScheduler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8245926/the-current-synchronizationcontext-may-not-be-used-as-a-taskscheduler Task.Factory.StartNew ... .ContinueWith x this.Message Completed context This works fine when I execute the application. But..