c# Programming Glossary: assume
How to create JSON string in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056121/how-to-create-json-string-in-c-sharp in an HTTP response. How would you create a JSON string. I assume you would just use a stringbuilder to build the JSON string..
Elevating process privilege programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133379/elevating-process-privilege-programatically works running from my app using the above code does not. I assume I'm dealing with some process elevation issue so how would I..
Expression Versus Statement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19132/expression-versus-statement Versus Statement I'm asking with regards to c# but I assume its the same in most other languages. Does anyone have a good..
Getting the size of a field in bytes with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207592/getting-the-size-of-a-field-in-bytes-with-c-sharp report eventually how much bytes does each field take. I assume all fields are of types as Int32 byte etc. How can I find out..
Creating a byte array from a stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/221925/creating-a-byte-array-from-a-stream quite optimised but will at least be correct. It doesn't assume any responsibility for closing the stream the caller should..
Convert webpage to image from ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2715385/convert-webpage-to-image-from-asp-net party or thumbnail service as I need the full image. I assume I would need to somehow leverage the webbrowser control from..
Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142495/deserialize-json-into-c-sharp-dynamic-object Vlad an upvote if that's helpful However if you cannot assume the client environment includes this DLL then the above approach..
Entity Framework 4 - AddObject vs Attach http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3920111/entity-framework-4-addobject-vs-attach to the context. Objects that you are attaching are assumed to exist in the database. If you modify the objects after they.. Added. You have to use Add in this case. For example let's assume your Person entity has a navigation property named Addresses..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/409563/best-practices-for-exception-management-in-java-or-c-sharp dirty object then clean doactualStuffOnObject p_jsonObject assume success no exception thrown result true catch Exception Ex ..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset and save it in a database but when I retrieve it I have to assume its Unspecified . I can't rely that my local calendar is the.. but if you pass either .Local or .Unspecified it will assume to be local . The framework is basically saying Well you asked..
How to embed a text file in a .NET assembly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433171/how-to-embed-a-text-file-in-a-net-assembly So that it's more portable Is there a way to do this I assume something with the resource files And if you can how do you..
How would you count occurrences of a string within a string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/541954/how-would-you-count-occurrences-of-a-string-within-a-string is going to have the term I'm searching for so you can assume that... EDIT II Of course for strings where length 1 string..
Developing Internet Explorer Extensions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643819/developing-internet-explorer-extensions not an option. Maybe a SQLite DB or such It is okay to assume that .NET 4.0 will be installed on a user's computer EDIT I'm..
How to add a Timeout to Console.ReadLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57615/how-to-add-a-timeout-to-console-readline a certain period of time program logic should continue. We assume a timeout means empty response. What is the most straightforward..
How to check if a number is a power of 2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/600293/how-to-check-if-a-number-is-a-power-of-2 long x in this case . Let us for the sake of simplicity assume that someone has passed the value 4 and called the function..
Tree data structure in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/66893/tree-data-structure-in-c-sharp nodes and here are some options to get you started. Let's assume that the class Node is the base class of the entire solution...
Large Object Heap Fragmentation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686950/large-object-heap-fragmentation allocated on the LOH. It is an implementation detail but I assume the reason for this is to avoid unnecessary garbage collection..
Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7050404/create-code-first-many-to-many-with-additional-fields-in-association-table .ToList Or to create a list of members with name Smith we assume there is more than one along with their comments you can use..
Conditional operator assignment with Nullable<value> types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/75746/conditional-operator-assignment-with-nullablevalue-types can not be determined there are real reasons it can't just assume Nullable Int32 . If you really want to use it in this way you..
Async action filter in MVC 4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12482338/async-action-filter-in-mvc-4 candidate for async await but I have encountered a snag Assume a request to Test FilteredAction MyCustomActionFilter begins..
Workflow Design Dilemma - State Machine, yes or no http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1966950/workflow-design-dilemma-state-machine-yes-or-no hence my dilemma. Please help me if you can Thanks Update Assume I have more states than the above 3 and that not all state transitions..
Under what circumstances is an SqlConnection automatically enlisted in an ambient TransactionScope Transaction? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884863/under-what-circumstances-is-an-sqlconnection-automatically-enlisted-in-an-ambien INSIDE a transaction scope that were opened OUTSIDE of it Assume no ambient transaction active now SqlConnection new_or_existing_connection..
C#: Create object instance without invoking constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/296584/c-create-object-instance-without-invoking-constructor an instance of a class without invoking its constructor Assume the class is public and is defined in a 3rd party library and..
How do I pinvoke to GetWindowLongPtr and SetWindowLongPtr on 32-bit platforms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3343724/how-do-i-pinvoke-to-getwindowlongptr-and-setwindowlongptr-on-32-bit-platforms to simply P Invoke to SetWindowLongPtr and be done with it Assume Windows 2000 and later. Would P Invoking to SetWindowLongPtr..
Am I misunderstanding LINQ to SQL .AsEnumerable()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3389855/am-i-misunderstanding-linq-to-sql-asenumerable totalSomeNumber query.Sum decimal average query.Average Assume query takes a very long time to run. I need to get the record..
How to find out the Encoding of a File? C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3404199/how-to-find-out-the-encoding-of-a-file-c-sharp 1998 and if it then treat it and load it as a UTF 8 file Assume an ANSI file using the default system code page of the machine...
How do I run a simple bit of code in a new thread? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/363377/how-do-i-run-a-simple-bit-of-code-in-a-new-thread the form to freeze whilst the code runs 10 seconds or so . Assume I have never created a new thread before what's a simple basic..
Parallel.ForEach() vs. foreach(IEnumerable<T>.AsParallel()) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789998/parallel-foreach-vs-foreachienumerablet-asparallel there different consequences of using one over the other Assume that whatever I'm doing in the bracketed bodies of both examples..
How do I determine the true pixel size of my Monitor in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/422296/how-do-i-determine-the-true-pixel-size-of-my-monitor-in-net find its physical aspect ratio. Again a couple of things Assume the current pixel aspect ratio matches the monitor's physical..
Encrypt cookies in ASP.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4360839/encrypt-cookies-in-asp-net on internal methods I am using .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Assume I cannot change framework versions c# asp.net encryption cryptography..
Best way to parse command line arguments in C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491595/best-way-to-parse-command-line-arguments-in-c interested in Libraries that you use Patterns that you use Assume the commands always adhere to common standards such as answered..
Using a self-signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest/Response http://stackoverflow.com/questions/526711/using-a-self-signed-certificate-with-nets-httpwebrequest-response certificate error 0 sslPolicyErrors bool certMatch false Assume failure byte certHash cert.GetCertHash if certHash.Length apiCertHash.Length..
Calling null on a class vs Dispose() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/574019/calling-null-on-a-class-vs-dispose DoSomething y These aren't helping at all x null sb null Assume that x and sb aren't used here The one time where it may be..
Fixed size queue which automatically dequeues old values upon new enques http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5852863/fixed-size-queue-which-automatically-dequeues-old-values-upon-new-enques holding the last N objects passed to it kind of history . Assume we have a browser and we want to have the last 100 browsed Urls...
Custom Caret for WinForms TextBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/609927/custom-caret-for-winforms-textbox c# .net winforms caret share improve this question Assume a form with a textbox on it public partial class Form1 Form..
MemoryCache Strangeness http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6895956/memorycache-strangeness was with this thing. TLDR version of this giant answer Assume that CacheMemoryLimitMegabytes is completely busted at this..
.NET (C#): Getting child windows when you only have a process handle or PID? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79111/net-c-getting-child-windows-when-you-only-have-a-process-handle-or-pid I need to get the process's UI or UI handle at this point. Assume I cannot change the behavior of the process to make this any..
Programming P2P application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8523330/programming-p2p-application improve this question P2P connectivity in a nutshell. Assume we're talking about UDP here. The steps below can also be applied..
How To Change DataType of a DataColumn in a DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028029/how-to-change-datatype-of-a-datacolumn-in-a-datatable DataColumn column DataTable.Columns 0 What I want to do is Assume currently column.DataType.Name is Double . I want it to become..