c# Programming Glossary: assert
How to check a input IP fall in a specific IP range http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2138706/how-to-check-a-input-ip-fall-in-a-specific-ip-range public IPAddressRange IPAddress lower IPAddress upper Assert that lower.AddressFamily upper.AddressFamily this.addressFamily..
Is it possible to programmatically generate an X509 certificate using only C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3770233/is-it-possible-to-programmatically-generate-an-x509-certificate-using-only-c CertificateGenerator.GenerateCertificate subjectName Assert var cert new X509Certificate2 actual password Assert.AreEqual.. Assert var cert new X509Certificate2 actual password Assert.AreEqual CN subjectName cert.Subject Assert.IsInstanceOfType.. password Assert.AreEqual CN subjectName cert.Subject Assert.IsInstanceOfType cert.PrivateKey typeof RSACryptoServiceProvider..
?œDo not use Abstract Base class in Design; but in Modeling/Analysis??/a> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9470013/do-not-use-abstract-base-class-in-design-but-in-modeling-analysis CertificateGenerator.GenerateCertificate subjectName Assert var cert new X509Certificate2 actual password Assert.AreEqual.. Assert var cert new X509Certificate2 actual password Assert.AreEqual CN subjectName cert.Subject Assert.IsInstanceOfType.. password Assert.AreEqual CN subjectName cert.Subject Assert.IsInstanceOfType cert.PrivateKey typeof RSACryptoServiceProvider..
Moq: unit testing a method relying on HttpContext http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1214178/moq-unit-testing-a-method-relying-on-httpcontext foundUserName MyIdentityBL.GetSecurityContextUserName assert Assert.AreEqual foundUserName ADAccount true Should have been..
When to use mocking versus faking in C# unit testing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1419713/when-to-use-mocking-versus-faking-in-c-sharp-unit-testing that the code you are testing can call out to it and you assert that the call was made with the correct parameters. The below.. layer a stub would return back fake data but you don ™t assert against the stub itself. That is you don ™t care to verify that..
Generating a custom compile time warning C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420143/generating-a-custom-compile-time-warning-c-sharp Where MyClass has to implement an interface. Currently I assert this in the constructor of the attribute however this doesn't..
Debug.Assert vs Exception Throwing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1467568/debug-assert-vs-exception-throwing were posted on StackOverflow about how and when to use assertions and I understood them well. But still I don't understand.. What I mean is in .Net the default response to a failed assertion is to stop the world and display a message box to the user... use Debug.Assert instead of a plain exception Placing an assertion where it shouldn't be could just cause all kinds of unwanted..
Rhino Mocks AAA Quick Start? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2124175/rhino-mocks-aaa-quick-start appreciated c# unit testing rhino mocks arrange act assert share improve this question I have written a Rhino Mocks..
Regex split string but keep separators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910536/regex-split-string-but-keep-separators you want to split on That is anywhere where we assert a match of a literal ahead or where we assert a match of literal.. where we assert a match of a literal ahead or where we assert a match of literal behind. As a C# string literal this is @..
How do I create an expression tree calling IEnumerable<TSource>.Any(…)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326321/how-do-i-create-an-expression-tree-calling-ienumerabletsource-any can now pull the IEnumerable T instantiation out of it and assert if there isn't exactly one. With that work out of the way solving..
Ignoring accented letters in string comparison http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359827/ignoring-accented-letters-in-string-comparison hello RemoveDiacritics héllo This line doesn't assert which is what you want. Note Here's a more compact .NET4 friendly..
Xml-SelectNodes with default-namespace via XmlNamespaceManager not working as expected http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4271689/xml-selectnodes-with-default-namespace-via-xmlnamespacemanager-not-working-as-ex 2 doc.SelectNodes b nsmgr .Count so that the assert becomes true I have tried so far using nunit Test Ignore Why..
How to read a .NET Guid into a Java UUID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5745512/how-to-read-a-net-guid-into-a-java-uuid takes a byte private UUID byte data long msb 0 long lsb 0 assert data.length 16 for int i 0 i 8 i msb msb 8 data i 0xff for int..
In .NET 4.0, how do I 'sandbox' an in-memory assembly and execute a method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5997995/in-net-4-0-how-do-i-sandbox-an-in-memory-assembly-and-execute-a-method When you load it however you'll need to temporarily assert permissions in the AppDomain since you've disallowed access..
Replace whitespace outside quotes using regular expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6111749/replace-whitespace-outside-quotes-using-regular-expression This examines the remainder of the string to assert an even number of quotes after the current space character... don't support indefinite repetition inside lookbehind assertions . It may also well be faster. The original solution involving..
Should you obfuscate a commercial .Net application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/71195/should-you-obfuscate-a-commercial-net-application be code bicycle thieves. Also if ever it comes time to assert your rights to a piece of code in court having been seen to..
Is it a good way of unit testing to use another, tested function to make preparations for the actual test? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9018142/is-it-a-good-way-of-unit-testing-to-use-another-tested-function-to-make-prepara bool result class_under_test.isInFruitList newFruit assert Assert.That result c# unit testing nunit share improve this..
How do I use Assert to verify that an exception has been thrown? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/933613/how-do-i-use-assert-to-verify-that-an-exception-has-been-thrown verify that an exception has been thrown c# unit testing assert vs unit testing framework test class share improve this question..
When Should a .NET Class Override Equals()? When Should it Not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9709088/when-should-a-net-class-override-equals-when-should-it-not although one post in Community Content repeats the assertion and references the older documentation. It seems that it.. point in time that equality is tested. It is incorrect to assert that they are not equal which would happen if separate objects.. string in addition to my business objects. Now the assertion in my unit test is Assert.IsTrue expected.IsEquivalentTo..