c# Programming Glossary: assert.istrue
Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1106881/using-the-wpf-dispatcher-in-unit-tests e raisedCollectionChanged true Assert.IsTrue e.Action NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add The action was not.. NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add The action was not add. Assert.IsTrue e.NewStartingIndex 0 NewStartingIndex was not 0. Assert.IsTrue.. e.NewStartingIndex 0 NewStartingIndex was not 0. Assert.IsTrue e.NewItems 0 domainObject NewItems not include added domain..
Comparing two List<string> for equality http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1546925/comparing-two-liststring-for-equality string actual.Add a actual.Add b actual.Add c Verdict Assert.IsTrue actual expected Thanks in advance c# .net collections comparison..
Enforce Attribute Decoration of Classes/Methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19454/enforce-attribute-decoration-of-classes-methods typeof XmlElementAttribute false Assert.IsTrue attribs.Count 0 Missing XmlElementAttribute on property property.Name..
How do C# Events work behind the scenes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/213638/how-do-c-sharp-events-work-behind-the-scenes new EventHandler EventArgs Fired tmp.Add test Assert.IsTrue m_Fired private void Fired object sender EventArgs args m_Fired.. EventArgs Fired somethingHappend this EventArgs.Empty Assert.IsTrue m_Fired private void Fired object sender EventArgs args m_Fired..
'Design By Contract' in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/260817/design-by-contract-in-c-sharp akin to public string Foo set Assert.IsNotNull value Assert.IsTrue value.Contains bar _foo value I know I can get static methods..
How can I test ModelState? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/286124/how-can-i-test-modelstate newCustomer Make sure that our validation found the error Assert.IsTrue controller.ViewData.ModelState.Count 1 FirstName must be required...
Is there a way to process an MVC view (aspx file) from a non-web application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3702526/is-there-a-way-to-process-an-mvc-view-aspx-file-from-a-non-web-application the mvc project var view myAppHost.RenderHomeIndexAction Assert.IsTrue view.Contains learn more about Some extra notes url in new..
Nullable type is not a nullable type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/785358/nullable-type-is-not-a-nullable-type work either DateTime test new DateTime 434523452345 Assert.IsTrue test.GetType typeof Nullable FAIL DateTime test new DateTime.. Nullable FAIL DateTime test new DateTime 434523452345 Assert.IsTrue test.GetType typeof Nullable STILL FAIL My question is why does..
Why is LINQ .Where(predicate).First() faster than .First(predicate)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8663897/why-is-linq-wherepredicate-first-faster-than-firstpredicate 0 for int i 0 i Range i result list.First f f.Id i .Value Assert.IsTrue result 0 TestMethod public void TestWhereAndFirst List Simple.. int i 0 i Range i result list.Where f f.Id i .First .Value Assert.IsTrue result 0 c# .net performance linq share improve this question..
C# Google Calendar V3 2 Legged authentication fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8899000/c-sharp-google-calendar-v3-2-legged-authentication-fails var result service.CalendarList.List .Fetch Assert.IsTrue result.Items.Count 0 c# oauth google api google calendar ..
How can I create a dynamic Select on an IEnumerable<T> at runtime? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8990231/how-can-i-create-a-dynamic-select-on-an-ienumerablet-at-runtime Foo string Bar var propValues SomeFoos.Select expr Assert.IsTrue new Jan Feb Mar Apr .SequenceEqual propValues public static..
When Should a .NET Class Override Equals()? When Should it Not? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9709088/when-should-a-net-class-override-equals-when-should-it-not