c# Programming Glossary: atomically
MVVM: Binding to Model while keeping Model in sync with a server version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10437241/mvvm-binding-to-model-while-keeping-model-in-sync-with-a-server-version if possible . The ViewModel pushes changes to the Server atomically which is good because it ensures that the data store is always..
Threadsafe collection without lock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10675400/threadsafe-collection-without-lock by working on a local copy and then attempting to atomically swap it with the global collection whilst checking for races..
When to use ref vs out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1516876/when-to-use-ref-vs-out b where GetBothNames is a method to retrieve two values atomically the method won't change behavior whatever a and b are. If the..
does Monitor.Wait Needs synchronization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3797892/does-monitor-wait-needs-synchronization I need some of the other features of wait handles such as atomically waiting for any all of multiple handles . share improve this..
How do I atomically swap 2 ints in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3855671/how-do-i-atomically-swap-2-ints-in-c do I atomically swap 2 ints in C# What if any is the C# equivalent of the ASM.. exchange unlike Interlocked.Exchange I could simply atomically swap two ints which is what I am really trying to do. Update.. two int values in a long then I think you could swap them atomically. For example let's say you wrapped your two values in the following..
Monitor vs lock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4978850/monitor-vs-lock lockWasTaken Monitor.Exit temp It relies on Monitor.Enter atomically setting the flag when the lock is taken. And earlier it was..
Is using Thread.Abort() and handling ThreadAbortException in .NET safe practice? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6382997/is-using-thread-abort-and-handling-threadabortexception-in-net-safe-practice are Work on copies of state update the copies and then atomically swap current for new state. If there is an out of band exception..
How to avoid a database race condition when manually incrementing PK of new row http://stackoverflow.com/questions/698366/how-to-avoid-a-database-race-condition-when-manually-incrementing-pk-of-new-row db Interlocked.CompareExchange id 1 lastId get next id atomically return Interlocked.Increment id Obviously the latter works only..
How to broadcast a UDP packet on WP7 Mango? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6983815/how-to-broadcast-a-udp-packet-on-wp7-mango Optionally a buffer may be provided which will atomically be sent on the socket after the ConnectAsync method succeeds...