c# Programming Glossary: accompanying
DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13253964/displayformat-applyformatineditmode expecting. The only draw back is it will not have an accompanying client side validation logic unless you write it. I have not..
Using CDATA with WCF REST starter kits http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1374062/using-cdata-with-wcf-rest-starter-kits generate a valid schema the XmlSchemaProviderAttribute and accompanying method will generate xs string which works more... using System..
JPG to PDF Convertor in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642280/jpg-to-pdf-convertor-in-c-sharp pretty cleanly and is open source. Also it has a very good accompanying book by the author which I recommend if you end up doing more..
multimap in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/380595/multimap-in-net reserved. The Algorithmia library sourcecode and its accompanying tools tests and support code are released under the following..
Linking statically in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39116/linking-statically-in-c-sharp
Possible to merge a DLL into a .NET EXE? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4631567/possible-to-merge-a-dll-into-a-net-exe
Are get and set functions popular with C++ programmers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737409/are-get-and-set-functions-popular-with-c-programmers are good because it doesn't or maybe shouldn't have an accompanying setter and speaking of which a function called SetBalance float..
The component does not have a resource identified by the uri http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7646331/the-component-does-not-have-a-resource-identified-by-the-uri that contained a WPF control called UsageControl xaml with accompanying xaml.cs file . In a separate C# project i.e. separate dll I..