c# Programming Glossary: acrobat
c# open file with default application and parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11365984/c-sharp-open-file-with-default-application-and-parameters with the default application I mean without specifying Acrobat or Reader you can't open the file in the specified page. On.. page. On the other hand if you are Ok with specifying Acrobat or Reader keep reading You can do it without telling the full.. keep reading You can do it without telling the full Acrobat path like this Process myProcess new Process myProcess.StartInfo.FileName..
How to detect if a file is PDF or TIFF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2731917/how-to-detect-if-a-file-is-pdf-or-tiff Most importantly from the PDF Reference version 1.6 Acrobat viewers require only that the header appear somewhere within..
Print existing PDF (or other files) in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273675/print-existing-pdf-or-other-files-in-c-sharp slow and roundabout but at least you don't have to pop up Acrobat. Here's some code I use to print out some PDFs that I get back..
Detect if PDF file is correct (header PDF) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3108201/detect-if-pdf-file-is-correct-header-pdf But also there are some other kinds of headers which Acrobat Viewer accepts and even absence of header isn't real problem..
Determine number of pages in a PDF file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/320281/determine-number-of-pages-in-a-pdf-file have any pointers on how this could be done Note Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed on the PC where this check will be carried..
How can a Windows Service start a process when a Timer event is raised? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4516200/how-can-a-windows-service-start-a-process-when-a-timer-event-is-raised interactive mode which will allow you to display the Adobe Acrobat application window as you expect. However as that documentation..
C# Printing a PDF Silently with Adobe Acrobat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4868982/c-sharp-printing-a-pdf-silently-with-adobe-acrobat Printing a PDF Silently with Adobe Acrobat I'm having 2 issues when trying to print a pdf silently in.. . The first issue is that I cannot launch Adobe Acrobat without specifying the full path to the executable. I assume.. share improve this question I ended up bailing on Adobe Acrobat here and going with FoxIt Reader Free pdf reader to do my pdf..
How to render pdfs using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/518878/how-to-render-pdfs-using-c-sharp case the Adobe ActiveX isn't what you're looking for since Acrobat must be present on the user machine and you can't ship it yourself..
How can I send a file document to the printer and have it print? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6103705/how-can-i-send-a-file-document-to-the-printer-and-have-it-print 4.0 printing share improve this question You can tell Acrobat Reader to print the file using as someone's already mentioned.. mentioned here the 'print' verb. You will need to close Acrobat Reader programmatically after that too private void SendToPrinter.. 3000 if false p.CloseMainWindow p.Kill This opens Acrobat Reader and tells it to send the PDF to the default printer and..
Check Adobe Reader is installed (C#)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969027/check-adobe-reader-is-installed-c if adobe null RegistryKey acroRead adobe.OpenSubKey Acrobat Reader if acroRead null string acroReadVersions acroRead.GetSubKeyNames.. Console.WriteLine The following version s of Acrobat Reader are installed foreach string versionNumber in acroReadVersions..
Open a pdf file programmatically at a named destination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1423922/open-a-pdf-file-programmatically-at-a-named-destination page 5. Thanks in advance for your help c# winforms pdf acrobat share improve this question I use the follwoing code string..
Send document to printer with C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218556/send-document-to-printer-with-c-sharp to actually printing your PDF's and word documents. For acrobat check this link http support.adobe.com devsup devsup.nsf docs..
C# Printing a PDF Silently with Adobe Acrobat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4868982/c-sharp-printing-a-pdf-silently-with-adobe-acrobat when trying to print a pdf silently in C# using adobe acrobat. I'm printing the pdfs using Process.Start . The first issue.. it. Is there an easy way to launch the newest version of acrobat on a machine without specifying full path names I'm worried.. bit . My second problem is the fact that whenever I launch acrobat and print it still leaves the acrobat window open. I thought..
.NET open PDF in winform without external dependencies http://stackoverflow.com/questions/549504/net-open-pdf-in-winform-without-external-dependencies improve this question The ActiveX control installed with acrobat reader should work either drop it in via the designer or use..
Check Adobe Reader is installed (C#)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/969027/check-adobe-reader-is-installed-c is installed C# How can I check whether Adobe reader or acrobat is installed in the system also how to get the version In C#..