c# Programming Glossary: acceptcallback
How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869744/how-to-write-a-scalable-tcp-ip-based-server running _serverSocket.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback acceptCallback _serverSocket catch Exception e throw new ApplicationException.. sake. The _serverSocket.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback acceptCallback _serverSocket above essentially sets our server socket to call.. above essentially sets our server socket to call the acceptCallback method whenever a user connects. This method runs from the .Net..
Socket buffers the data it receives http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18418613/socket-buffers-the-data-it-receives is just not invoked more than once every 20 seconds. In AcceptCallback it establishes the connection and call BeginReceive handler.BeginReceive..
Asynchronous server socket multiple clients http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5815872/asynchronous-server-socket-multiple-clients that port number listener.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback AcceptCallback listener This line tells the listener to invoke the AcceptCallback.. listener This line tells the listener to invoke the AcceptCallback method whenever a new client is connected new connection callback.. Creating dedicated handler sockets That is also why AcceptCallback must immediately create a dedicated handler socket with its..
Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket http://stackoverflow.com/questions/722240/instantly-detect-client-disconnection-from-server-socket method static Socket handler null public static void AcceptCallback IAsyncResult ar Accept incoming connection Socket listener Socket..