c# Programming Glossary: acquire
Singleton double-check concurrency issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10281044/singleton-double-check-concurrency-issue volatile fixes this issue because it treats reads as an acquire fence and writes as a release fence . acquire fence A memory.. reads as an acquire fence and writes as a release fence . acquire fence A memory barrier in which other reads writes are not allowed.. to indicate a release fence and a arrow to indicate an acquire fence. Notice that nothing is allowed to float down past an..
Stopping timer in its callback method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1699543/stopping-timer-in-its-callback-method restart the timer in that case overlapping calls will not acquire the lock and return immediately. private void CreatorLoop object..
using statement vs try finally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/278902/using-statement-vs-try-finally try finally or a using clause. In the try finally I would acquire the lock before the try and ralease in the finally. In the using.. finally. In the using clause I would create a class which acquires the lock in its constructor and releases in its Dispose method...
Differences between C++ and C#/.Net [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/291513/differences-between-c-and-c-net In C you must handle memory manually or write or acquire a garbage collection library. However great strides have gone..
In C# would it be better to use Queue.Synchronized or lock() for thread safety? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/338712/in-c-sharp-would-it-be-better-to-use-queue-synchronized-or-lock-for-thread-saf with it document what you expect to be locked where and acquire release locks for as short a period as possible more for correctness..
Re-entrant locks in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/391913/re-entrant-locks-in-c-sharp you have to be careful. Pay particular attention to Always acquire locks on a given number of objects in the same sequence. Always.. Always release locks in the reverse sequence to how you acquire them. If you break either of these rules you're pretty much.. your code such that there is an object graph and you can acquire locks on the root of that object graph then do so. This means..
What is the purpose of 'volatile' keyword in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4103415/what-is-the-purpose-of-volatile-keyword-in-c-sharp you sufficient memory barriers to ensure the necessary acquire and release semantics. Remember locks are only really expensive..
Does lock() guarantee acquired in order requested? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4228864/does-lock-guarantee-acquired-in-order-requested lock guarantee acquired in order requested When multiple threads request a lock on.. same object does the CLR guarantee that the locks will be acquired in the order they were requested I wrote up a test to see if.. . Monitors are unfair so if another thread tries to acquire the lock before an awakened waiting thread tries to acquire..
Destructor vs IDisposable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/456213/destructor-vs-idisposable held for the minimum amount of time using the principle of acquire late and release early. In C releasing the resources is typically..
How does lock work exactly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6029804/how-does-lock-work-exactly what Monitor.Enter does here . To quote MSDN Use Enter to acquire the Monitor on the object passed as the parameter. If another..
Adding an event handler for a control in child form from parent form in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6382750/adding-an-event-handler-for-a-control-in-child-form-from-parent-form-in-c-sharp text in the parent form textbox changes automatically. To acquire this what i did is Form3 f3 new Form3 f3.delBetInpTxt.TextChanged..
Memory barrier generators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6581848/memory-barrier-generators made EDIT additions suggested Volatile reading implies an acquire fence writing implies a release fence c# memory barriers ..
C# How can I check if a URL exists/is valid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/924679/c-sharp-how-can-i-check-if-a-url-exists-is-valid ticker symbol. I know the exact URL that I need to acquire the data and if the user inputs an existing ticker symbol or..