c# Programming Glossary: achieves
Improving performance reflection , what alternatives should I consider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1027980/improving-performance-reflection-what-alternatives-should-i-consider Marc Gravell has a HyperPropertyDescriptor project which achieves even better performance but introduces an extra dependency...
Code equivalent to the 'let' keyword in chained LINQ extension method calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092687/code-equivalent-to-the-let-keyword-in-chained-linq-extension-method-calls is the equivalent set of LINQ extension method calls that achieves what the let keyword does here c# linq extension methods linq..
How can I correctly prefix a word with “a” and “an”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1288291/how-can-i-correctly-prefix-a-word-with-a-and-an prefixes which occur less than 5 times or where a vs. an achieves less than 2 3 majority or some other threshholds tweak here..
Custom Compiler Warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154109/custom-compiler-warnings this is precisely the situation it was designed for and achieves precisely what you require Also note that Visual Studio picks..
Slow SoapHttpClientProtocol constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172095/slow-soaphttpclientprotocol-constructor Removing the rest of the Xml.Serialization attributes only achieves an extra 0.2 sec speedup. Add the following attribute to the..
WPF in kiosk mode - taskbar troubles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1808505/wpf-in-kiosk-mode-taskbar-troubles and WindowState WindowState.Maximized which achieves most of what I need but I still get instances where the taskbar..
Calculate endpoint given distance, bearing, starting point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3225803/calculate-endpoint-given-distance-bearing-starting-point share improve this question Here's some code that achieves what you want to do. public static GeoLocation FindPointAtDistanceFrom..
Opening a named pipe in low integrity level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3282365/opening-a-named-pipe-in-low-integrity-level code for setting the mandatory integrity label on the pipe achieves this successfully. However because your security descriptor..
Random number generator only generating one random number http://stackoverflow.com/questions/767999/random-number-generator-only-generating-one-random-number at the same time is just asking for trouble. The lock achieves the first and simpler of these approaches however another approach..
LINQ aggregate and group by periods of time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8856266/linq-aggregate-and-group-by-periods-of-time TimeStamp g.Key Value g.Average s s.value .ToList Above achieves that by using a modified time stamp in the grouping which sets..