c# Programming Glossary: abs
Get the Surface Area of a Polyhedron (3D object) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2350604/get-the-surface-area-of-a-polyhedron-3d-object int n Point3D V Point3D N float area 0 float an ax ay az abs value of normal and its coords int coord coord to ignore 1 x.. ignore 1 x 2 y 3 z int i j k loop indices select largest abs coordinate to ignore for projection ax N.x 0 N.x N.x abs x coord.. abs coordinate to ignore for projection ax N.x 0 N.x N.x abs x coord ay N.y 0 N.y N.y abs y coord az N.z 0 N.z N.z abs z..
DownloadFileAsync multiple files using webclient http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5048154/downloadfileasync-multiple-files-using-webclient .Split new char ' ' count 0 Find file foreach string abs in download.link count if abs.ToLower .Contains .html abs.ToLower.. Find file foreach string abs in download.link count if abs.ToLower .Contains .html abs.ToLower .Contains .exe abs.ToLower.. in download.link count if abs.ToLower .Contains .html abs.ToLower .Contains .exe abs.ToLower .Contains .txt try download.file..
Creating a Math library using Generics in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63694/creating-a-math-library-using-generics-in-c-sharp math share improve this question Here is a way to abstract out the operators that is relatively painless. abstract.. to abstract out the operators that is relatively painless. abstract class MathProvider T public abstract T Divide T a T b.. relatively painless. abstract class MathProvider T public abstract T Divide T a T b public abstract T Multiply T a T b public..
How to create a bmp file from byte[] in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/742236/how-to-create-a-bmp-file-from-byte-in-c-sharp BI_RGB no compression bitmapInfoHeader.biSizeImage width abs height 4 width height RGB bytes bitmapInfoHeader.biXPelsPerMeter..
What does the tilde mean in an expression? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7986978/what-does-the-tilde-mean-in-an-expression code on a this MSDN page. Width Planes BitCount 31 ~31 8 abs Height This does indeed compile in C# visual studio 2010. What..
Converting generic.list to ArrayOfInt for transmission over SOAP to web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2334695/converting-generic-list-to-arrayofint-for-transmission-over-soap-to-web-service wcf generics soap asmx share improve this question Hey Abs thought you might like to check out my post as I think we have..
Fixed point math in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605124/fixed-point-math-in-c i public static FInt Asin FInt F bool isNegative F 0 F Abs F if F FInt.OneF throw new ArithmeticException Bad Asin Input.. 0 result Atan F1 F2 else if F2 0 if F1 0 result PI Atan Abs F1 F2 else result PI Atan Abs F1 F2 .Inverse else result.. 0 if F1 0 result PI Atan Abs F1 F2 else result PI Atan Abs F1 F2 .Inverse else result F1 0 PI PI.Inverse FInt.Create 2..
How is Math.Pow() implemented in .Net Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8870442/how-is-math-pow-implemented-in-net-framework COMDouble Round CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Round FCIntrinsicSig Abs gsig_SM_Flt_RetFlt COMDouble AbsFlt CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs FCIntrinsicSig.. FCIntrinsicSig Abs gsig_SM_Flt_RetFlt COMDouble AbsFlt CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs FCIntrinsicSig Abs gsig_SM_Dbl_RetDbl.. Abs gsig_SM_Flt_RetFlt COMDouble AbsFlt CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs FCIntrinsicSig Abs gsig_SM_Dbl_RetDbl COMDouble AbsDbl CORINFO_INTRINSIC_Abs..
Sort List by occurrence of a word by LINQ C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11392014/sort-list-by-occurrence-of-a-word-by-linq-c-sharp field like JCB Excavator ECU P N 728 35700 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899.. P N 728 35700 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Wie man BBA reman erreicht.. ABS #16213899 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Geo Prism 1995 ABS #16213899 Wie man BBA reman erreicht this test JCB Ersatz Airbags..
How to find control in TemplateField of GridView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6873973/how-to-find-control-in-templatefield-of-gridview 01 2010 dr1 Other Text 17 25CET changed by product family ABS Milestone Date 23.02.1022 Contract Status Signed Probability.. 100 dr2 Other Text 18 44CET changed by product family ABS Milestone Date 23.02.1022 Contract Status Signed Probability.. 100 dr3 Other Text 19 25CET changed by product family ABS Milestone Date 23.02.1022 Contract Status Signed Probability..