c# Programming Glossary: a2
Best way to combine two or more byte arrays in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415291/best-way-to-combine-two-or-more-byte-arrays-in-c-sharp you need a new byte array use byte rv new byte a1.Length a2.Length a3.Length System.Buffer.BlockCopy a1 0 rv 0 a1.Length.. a1 0 rv 0 a1.Length System.Buffer.BlockCopy a2 0 rv a1.Length a2.Length System.Buffer.BlockCopy a3 0 rv a1.Length.. 0 rv 0 a1.Length System.Buffer.BlockCopy a2 0 rv a1.Length a2.Length System.Buffer.BlockCopy a3 0 rv a1.Length a2.Length a3.Length..
Comparing two byte arrays in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43289/comparing-two-byte-arrays-in-net I can do this static bool ByteArrayCompare byte a1 byte a2 if a1.Length a2.Length return false for int i 0 i a1.Length.. static bool ByteArrayCompare byte a1 byte a2 if a1.Length a2.Length return false for int i 0 i a1.Length i if a1 i a2 i return.. a2.Length return false for int i 0 i a1.Length i if a1 i a2 i return false return true but I'm looking for either a BCL..
Why does (does it really?) List<T> implement all these interfaces, not just IList<T>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4817369/why-does-does-it-really-listt-implement-all-these-interfaces-not-just-ilis static void Main string args var a new A var a1 I1 a var a2 I2 a var a3 I3 a var b new B var b1 I1 b var b2 I2 b var b3..
Comparing Arrays in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/713341/comparing-arrays-in-c-sharp following errors static bool ArraysEqual Array a1 Array a2 if a1 a2 return true if a1 null a2 null return false if a1.Length.. errors static bool ArraysEqual Array a1 Array a2 if a1 a2 return true if a1 null a2 null return false if a1.Length a2.Length.. Array a1 Array a2 if a1 a2 return true if a1 null a2 null return false if a1.Length a2.Length return false IList..
Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012547/creating-excel-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 the cells I want to format There was already data in cells A2 and A3. Cell A2 gets the larger size A3 gets red background.. to format There was already data in cells A2 and A3. Cell A2 gets the larger size A3 gets red background SheetData sheetData..
Project Euler #15 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200236/project-euler-15 of our grid const int gridSize 20 magic. static Func A1 A2 R Memoize A1 A2 R this Func A1 A2 R f Return a function which.. int gridSize 20 magic. static Func A1 A2 R Memoize A1 A2 R this Func A1 A2 R f Return a function which is f with caching... 20 magic. static Func A1 A2 R Memoize A1 A2 R this Func A1 A2 R f Return a function which is f with caching. var dictionary..
What indicates an Office Open XML Cell contains a Date/Time value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730152/what-indicates-an-office-open-xml-cell-contains-a-date-time-value schemas.openxmlformats.org spreadsheetml 2006 main x c r A2 t s x v 56 x v x c x c r B2 t s x v 64 x v x c . . . x c r J2..
LINQ to read XML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670563/linq-to-read-xml XML file root level1 name A level2 name A1 level2 name A2 level1 level1 name B level2 name B1 level2 name B2 level1 level1.. result Note the extra space if it is a level2 node A A1 A2 B B1 B2 C Currently I got this code XDocument xdoc XDocument.Load..
How check intersection of DateTime periods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7325124/how-check-intersection-of-datetime-periods of DateTime periods I have a four DateTime objects. A1 A2 and B1 B2. I need to know that periods A1 A2 not intersection.. objects. A1 A2 and B1 B2. I need to know that periods A1 A2 not intersection B1 B2. But I don`t want write dirty code like.. I don`t want write dirty code like many if blocks if A1 B1 A2 B1 return false .... etc. EDITED I tried to use this one Comparing..
Cascade delete in entity framework ( table per type inheritance ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9064273/cascade-delete-in-entity-framework-table-per-type-inheritance per type inheritance. For example entities are A B C A1 A2. Base A Derived A1 A2. Another B C. So A has 1 to 1 association.. For example entities are A B C A1 A2. Base A Derived A1 A2. Another B C. So A has 1 to 1 association to A1 and A2. B and.. A1 A2. Another B C. So A has 1 to 1 association to A1 and A2. B and C has associations 1 to many with OnDelete action on..
Using EPPlus, I am trying to export a gridview to an Excel Sheet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9574279/using-epplus-i-am-trying-to-export-a-gridview-to-an-excel-sheet from cell A1. Print the column names on row 1 ws.Cells A2 .LoadFromDataTable tbl false Header Titles ws.Cells A1 .Value.. var ws pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add Mailing List ws.Cells A2 .LoadFromDataTable tbl false Response.Clear Response.ContentType..