c# Programming Glossary: a.x
C# Drawing Arc with 3 Points http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2898089/c-sharp-drawing-arc-with-3-points give 3 Point a b c and a GraphicsPath path double d 2 a.X c.X c.Y b.Y 2 b.X c.X a.Y c.Y double m1 Math.Pow a.X 2 Math.Pow.. d 2 a.X c.X c.Y b.Y 2 b.X c.X a.Y c.Y double m1 Math.Pow a.X 2 Math.Pow c.X 2 Math.Pow a.Y 2 Math.Pow c.Y 2 double m2 Math.Pow.. 2 double nx m1 c.Y b.Y m2 c.Y a.Y double ny m1 b.X c.X m2 a.X c.X double cx nx d double cy ny d double dx cx a.X double dy..
Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41244/dynamic-linq-orderby-on-ienumerablet new ExpandoObject b new ExpandoObject c new ExpandoObject a.X abc b.X ghi c.X def dynamic data new new Y a new Y b new Y c..
Smoothing a hand-drawn curve http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525665/smoothing-a-hand-drawn-curve