c# Programming Glossary: above
Parse JSON in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1212344/parse-json-in-c-sharp works using the same JSON and classes as the example above. GoogleSearchResults g1 JsonConvert.DeserializeObject GoogleSearchResults.. the equivalent Serialize Deserialize methods to the code above.. Deserialize JsonConvert.DeserializeObject T string json Serialize..
Create Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file from C# [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151005/create-excel-xls-and-xlsx-file-from-c-sharp to be a port of the PHP ExcelWriter that you mentioned above. It will not write to the new .xlsx format yet but they are.. as that. You can also manually create Excel files but the above functionality is what really impressed me. share improve this..
How to properly clean up Excel interop objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/158706/how-to-properly-clean-up-excel-interop-objects objects. So with this knowledge the right way of doing the above is Worksheets sheets excelApp.Worksheets the important part..
Simple 2 way encryption for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/165808/simple-2-way-encryption-for-c-sharp i 3 while i str.Length return byteArr Same comment as above. Normally the conversion would use an ASCII encoding in the..
Which .NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21288/which-net-dependency-injection-frameworks-are-worth-looking-into they do they provide a host of other benefits over and above DI. That being said I'm sure that's what you were asking about.. I also can't see that retro fitting Ninject into existing above average code being a problem at all but then the same could..
When to Use Static Classes in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/241339/when-to-use-static-classes-in-c-sharp goes hand in hand with the interface woes mentioned above. As our ability of interchanging implementations is very limited..
Randomize a List<T> in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273313/randomize-a-listt-in-c-sharp Product products GetProducts products.Shuffle The code above uses the much criticised System.Random method to select swap.. it's used in the way it was intended. In my first example above I instantiate the rng variable inside of the Shuffle method..
Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3142495/deserialize-json-into-c-sharp-dynamic-object assume the client environment includes this DLL then the above approach is a good alternative. EDIT 3 Extension to support..
What C# mocking framework to use? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37359/what-c-sharp-mocking-framework-to-use compile time checking. Moq certainly does. In my example above if the service class that mockService is mocking doesn't have..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr a nullable type and as together EDIT Note that none of the above talks about performance other than the value type case where.. in which the as plus null check definitely is slower. The above code actually makes the type check easy because it's for a sealed..
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c size of only 16 bytes or less Nothing in the structs above is declared readonly not immutable Size of these struct could..
Proper use of the IDisposable interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538060/proper-use-of-the-idisposable-interface connections and bitmaps. But suppose that _theList in the above code contained a million strings and you wanted to free that.. rather than waiting for the garbage collector. Would the above code accomplish that c# .net garbage collection idisposable..
Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0 the private field AFAIK what is the difference between the above declaration and public string myString Edit I probably didn't..
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898925/is-there-a-reason-for-cs-reuse-of-the-variable-in-a-foreach access to modified closure Due to the modified closure the above code will cause all of the Where clauses on the query to be.. happens because the s variable declared in foreach loop above is translated like this in the compiler string s while enumerator.MoveNext..
ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705637/executereader-requires-an-open-and-available-connection-the-connections-curren the more in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace. All the above speaks against a custom DB Class which encapsulates and reuse..
What is the difference between HttpResponseMessage and HttpResponseException http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10660721/what-is-the-difference-between-httpresponsemessage-and-httpresponseexception the CreateResponse extension method off of the Request. Above I am creating a response which sets the status code to 201 passes..
Android Phone Browser Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11597940/android-phone-browser-detection Safari 534.24 EDIT The SIII has two possible user agents. Above is the 'desktop' version. Fun stuff. See link below for details...
Calling constructor overload when both overload have same signature http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1293201/calling-constructor-overload-when-both-overload-have-same-signature Foo public Foo int count .. public Foo int count .. Above code is invalid and won't compile. Now consider the following.. .. static void Main string args Foo int foo new Foo int 1 Above code is valid and compiles well. It calls Foo int count . My..
Making a Simple Ajax call to controller in asp.net mvc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16186083/making-a-simple-ajax-call-to-controller-in-asp-net-mvc print an alert with the controller method returning data. Above code just print chamara on my view. An alert is not firing...
C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20708957/c-sharp-metro-xaml-designing-the-page-for-any-of-the-screen Stop Volume Next Previous Shuffle Repeat FullScreen etc. . Above the ListView I have 4 buttons for adding removing files from..
Convert XmlDocument to String http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2407302/convert-xmldocument-to-string it escapes them. For Instance Campaign name ABC Campaign Above is the expected XML. But it returns Campaign name ABC Campaign..
Converting chinese character to Unicode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3571563/converting-chinese-character-to-unicode Console.WriteLine 0 U 1 x4 2 myChar int myChar int myChar Above we're outputting the character itself followed by the Unicode..
Find a control in C# winforms by name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4483912/find-a-control-in-c-sharp-winforms-by-name gbPnlChild Button buttonToAccess childGP button1 Above method is helpful when parents are known. In my scenario only..
dynamic keyword problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4568452/dynamic-keyword-problem because extension attribute was part of 3.5 assembly. EDIT Above is wrong dynamic keyword requires Framework 4.0. I couldn't..
Why is ConcurrentBag<T> so slow in .Net (4.0)? Am I doing it wrong? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4785622/why-is-concurrentbagt-so-slow-in-net-4-0-am-i-doing-it-wrong better than locking a list for up to 1 million insertions. Above 1 million locking seemed to be much faster sometimes but I'll..
Extension method and dynamic object in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5311465/extension-method-and-dynamic-object-in-c-sharp new List int 5 56 2 4 63 2 Console.WriteLine list.First Above code is working fine. Now I tried the following dynamic dList..
Is it possible to intercept Console output? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6024172/is-it-possible-to-intercept-console-output output use modification below var stdOut Console.Out Above interceptor code here.. Console.SetOut stdOut Now all output.. same without the need to save the standard stream first Above interceptor code here.. var standardOutput new StreamWriter..
What is your favorite use of Resharper? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/76499/what-is-your-favorite-use-of-resharper Note that there are two different keyboard shortcuts sets. Above are the ReSharper2.x IDEA scheme the other is the Visual Studio..
LINQ aggregate and group by periods of time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8856266/linq-aggregate-and-group-by-periods-of-time g new TimeStamp g.Key Value g.Average s s.value .ToList Above achieves that by using a modified time stamp in the grouping..
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9216158/the-requested-page-cannot-be-accessed-because-the-related-configuration-data-for i.e. at least Read and depending on your app maybe Write . Above you mention IUSR etc. not being in the properties for web.config..