android Programming Glossary: vw
HLS (http live streaming) on Android 3.0 and seeking savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main VideoView vw VideoView findViewById vw.setVideoPath http VideoView vw VideoView findViewById vw.setVideoPath http iphone samples bipbop.. iphone samples bipbop gear4 prog_index.m3u8 vw.setMediaController new MediaController this vw.requestFocus..
How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter Context context LayoutInflater inflater Button btn View vw ArrayList String list new ArrayList String public SearchAdapter.. Auto generated method stub LinearLayout ll LinearLayout vw final EditText edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate.. vw final EditText edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate R.layout.list_items null ImageView img ImageView..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object. EditText vw EditText findViewById Set the EditText's text. vw.setText.. EditText findViewById Set the EditText's text. vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. If this were just a TextView.. highlighted bold. If this were just a TextView we could do vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero includes the grid called board int vh 0 int vw 0 Test 1 used the xml layout which is displayed on the screen.. vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically.. 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android..
Show soft keyboard in AlertDialog with a WebView inside (Android) Window.FEATURE_LEFT_ICON R.drawable.icon WebView vw WebView dialog.findViewById share improve this answer..
Android OpenGL 3D picking new float 4 float vx viewport 0 float vy viewport 1 float vw viewport 2 float vh viewport 3 float rhsVec 2 rx vx vw 1 2 ry.. vw viewport 2 float vh viewport 3 float rhsVec 2 rx vx vw 1 2 ry vy vh 1 2 rz 1 1 android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV result..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly SectionFragment extends Fragment private ImageView imgvw private TextView headerTxvw private TextView bodyTxvw public.. Fragment private ImageView imgvw private TextView headerTxvw private TextView bodyTxvw public int content protected int pageIdx.. imgvw private TextView headerTxvw private TextView bodyTxvw public int content protected int pageIdx public SectionFragment..
HLS (http live streaming) on Android 3.0 and seeking void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main VideoView vw VideoView findViewById vw.setVideoPath http iphone samples bipbop gear4 prog_index.m3u8.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main VideoView vw VideoView findViewById vw.setVideoPath http iphone samples bipbop gear4 prog_index.m3u8 vw.setMediaController new MediaController.. findViewById vw.setVideoPath http iphone samples bipbop gear4 prog_index.m3u8 vw.setMediaController new MediaController this vw.requestFocus vw.start and a sample layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8..
How to filter ListView using getFilter() in BaseAdapter class SearchAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable Context context LayoutInflater inflater Button btn View vw ArrayList String list new ArrayList String public SearchAdapter Context context LayoutInflater inflater ArrayList String.. final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent TODO Auto generated method stub LinearLayout ll LinearLayout vw final EditText edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate R.layout.list_items null ImageView img ImageView vw.findViewById.. parent TODO Auto generated method stub LinearLayout ll LinearLayout vw final EditText edt EditText ll.getChildAt 0 vw inflater.inflate R.layout.list_items null ImageView img ImageView vw.findViewById TextView tv TextView vw.findViewById..
Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView? to Do Them in Android includes Selecting Highlighting or Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object. EditText vw EditText findViewById Set the EditText's text. vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. If this were just a TextView.. Styling Portions of Text Get our EditText object. EditText vw EditText findViewById Set the EditText's text. vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. If this were just a TextView we could do vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE.. Set the EditText's text. vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. If this were just a TextView we could do vw.setText Italic highlighted bold. TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE to force it to use Spannable storage so styles can be attached...
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.maindemo includes the grid called board int vh 0 int vw 0 Test 1 used the xml layout which is displayed on the screen TableLayout tl TableLayout findViewById tl TableLayout.. tl TableLayout findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight.. generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share improve..
Show soft keyboard in AlertDialog with a WebView inside (Android)
Android OpenGL 3D picking combo 0 modelInv 0 projInv 0 float result new float 4 float vx viewport 0 float vy viewport 1 float vw viewport 2 float vh viewport 3 float rhsVec 2 rx vx vw 1 2 ry vy vh 1 2 rz 1 1 android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV result 0.. new float 4 float vx viewport 0 float vy viewport 1 float vw viewport 2 float vh viewport 3 float rhsVec 2 rx vx vw 1 2 ry vy vh 1 2 rz 1 1 android.opengl.Matrix.multiplyMV result 0 combo 0 rhsVec 0 float d 1 result 3 float endResult result..
Double checking if fragment + view holder pattern is implemented properly time the onCreateView was called in the Fragment. public class SectionFragment extends Fragment private ImageView imgvw private TextView headerTxvw private TextView bodyTxvw public int content protected int pageIdx public SectionFragment int.. called in the Fragment. public class SectionFragment extends Fragment private ImageView imgvw private TextView headerTxvw private TextView bodyTxvw public int content protected int pageIdx public SectionFragment int idx int content super pageIdx.. class SectionFragment extends Fragment private ImageView imgvw private TextView headerTxvw private TextView bodyTxvw public int content protected int pageIdx public SectionFragment int idx int content super pageIdx idx this.content content..