android Programming Glossary: volley
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in an alert pops up Unknown error . Here's the logcat ERROR Volley il.a Unexpected response code 403 for https
Volley Android Networking Library Android Networking Library I have few questions around using.. Networking Library I have few questions around using Volley in my projects Can this library be used in any Java project.. library in your own project What approach is better Make Volley as a standalone library project and spin a jar and put it in..
Issues and contribution for Volley and contribution for Volley Since there was this awesome presentation on Volley I tried.. for Volley Since there was this awesome presentation on Volley I tried to include it in a project I am working on. I found.. to the developer Regarding the problems I had with Volley 1. It seems that redirection does not work as it should Volley..
Using cookies with Android volley library would send that cookie back with any subsequent request. Volley does not seem to do that at least not automatically. Thanks... know which of the two underlying network vehicles will Volley use we have to handle and store session cookies manually MyApp.get.. this _requestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue this public RequestQueue getRequestQueue return..
Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter? Volley ImageLoader BitmapLruCache parameter I am having trouble implementing.. I am having trouble implementing Image cache using the new Volley library. In the presentation code look like this mRequestQueue.. In the presentation code look like this mRequestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue context mImageLoader new ImageLoader mRequestQueue..
How to send a ?śmultipart/form-data??POST in Android with Volley to send a śmultipart form data POST in Android with Volley Has anyone been able to accomplish this yet I have had no success.. mStringPart catch UnsupportedEncodingException e VolleyLog.e UnsupportedEncodingException @Override public String getBodyContentType.. try entity.writeTo bos catch IOException e VolleyLog.e IOException writing to ByteArrayOutputStream return bos.toByteArray..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] Volley Quickstart closed Introduction For details check out Google.. closed Introduction For details check out Google I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley library to your.. I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley library to your project from git repository. git clone https..
AsyncTask return value
Android REST client, Sample? It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. Volley this is from Google RESTDroid RoboSpice Retrofit Original Answer..
Volley Android Networking Library your project android http android networking android volley share improve this question git clone https clone https platform frameworks volley cd volley android update project p . ant jar Then copy bin volley.jar.. platform frameworks volley cd volley android update project p . ant jar Then copy bin volley.jar..
Issues and contribution for Volley could be helpful. android networking open source android volley bug reporting share improve this question Seems like a lot.. the recommended place is the Application class File volleyCacheFile new File getExternalCacheDir volleyCache.tmp Of course.. class File volleyCacheFile new File getExternalCacheDir volleyCache.tmp Of course this lacks any error handling what if the..
Using cookies with Android volley library cookies with Android volley library Does anybody know how to attach a session cookie to.. attach a session cookie to the request using library When I log in to a web site it gives me a session cookie... that at least not automatically. Thanks. android android volley share improve this question vmirinov is right Here is how..
Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter? @14 38 Thanks android image loading bitmapcache android volley share improve this question import
How to send a ?śmultipart/form-data??POST in Android with Volley Thank you for your help. android http android volley share improve this question I might be wrong on this but.. but I think you need to implement your own for this because the default ones HurlStack..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] clone https platform frameworks volley android networking android volley share improve this question.. platform frameworks volley android networking android volley share improve this question Volley Android HTTP client Part.. Questions Part 1 Quickstart Were I can get it Download volley library and import it as a library project or make jar file...
Instantiating core Volley objects to instantiate and access these objects android android volley share improve this question My experience with Volley is.. If you want a really good example of ImageLoading with volley check out this sample project it is really useful. Hope this..
Google Play Game Services - unable to sign in accounts as test users. But when I test the SignInButton an alert pops up Unknown error . Here's the logcat ERROR Volley il.a Unexpected response code 403 for https games v1 players me ERROR SignInIntentService Access Not..
Volley Android Networking Library Android Networking Library I have few questions around using Volley in my projects Can this library be used in any Java.. Android Networking Library I have few questions around using Volley in my projects Can this library be used in any Java project or just Android I see multiple branches here and no documentation.. branch should I use to start with How do you integrate this library in your own project What approach is better Make Volley as a standalone library project and spin a jar and put it in your project or copy the all source code inside your project..
Issues and contribution for Volley and contribution for Volley Since there was this awesome presentation on Volley I tried to include it in a project I am working on. I found myself.. and contribution for Volley Since there was this awesome presentation on Volley I tried to include it in a project I am working on. I found myself correcting some bugs I found in the source code that.. or is there another way to communicate bugs and feature requests to the developer Regarding the problems I had with Volley 1. It seems that redirection does not work as it should Volley returns an error code 302 instead of redirecting to the location..
Using cookies with Android volley library I log in to a web site it gives me a session cookie. Browser would send that cookie back with any subsequent request. Volley does not seem to do that at least not automatically. Thanks. android android volley share improve this question vmirinov.. parseNetworkResponse NetworkResponse response since we don't know which of the two underlying network vehicles will Volley use we have to handle and store session cookies manually MyApp.get .checkSessionCookie response.headers return super.parseNetworkResponse.. onCreate super.onCreate _instance this _preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this _requestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue this public RequestQueue getRequestQueue return _requestQueue Checks the response headers for session cookie..
Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter? Volley ImageLoader BitmapLruCache parameter I am having trouble implementing Image cache using the new Volley library. In the.. Volley ImageLoader BitmapLruCache parameter I am having trouble implementing Image cache using the new Volley library. In the presentation code look like this mRequestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue context mImageLoader new ImageLoader.. trouble implementing Image cache using the new Volley library. In the presentation code look like this mRequestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue context mImageLoader new ImageLoader mRequestQueue new BitmapLruCache The BitmapLruCache is obviously not..
How to send a ?śmultipart/form-data??POST in Android with Volley to send a śmultipart form data POST in Android with Volley Has anyone been able to accomplish this yet I have had no success trying to upload a image png using a POST request to.. mFilePart try entity.addPart STRING_PART_NAME new StringBody mStringPart catch UnsupportedEncodingException e VolleyLog.e UnsupportedEncodingException @Override public String getBodyContentType return entity.getContentType .getValue @Override.. AuthFailureError ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream try entity.writeTo bos catch IOException e VolleyLog.e IOException writing to ByteArrayOutputStream return bos.toByteArray @Override protected Response String parseNetworkResponse..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] Volley Quickstart closed Introduction For details check out Google I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley.. Volley Quickstart closed Introduction For details check out Google I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley library to your project from git repository. git clone https Quickstart closed Introduction For details check out Google I O 2013 Volley Easy Fast Networking for Android . Add Volley library to your project from git repository. git clone https platform frameworks volley android..
AsyncTask return value
Android REST client, Sample? The following is a list of some of the libraries I've evaluated. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. Volley this is from Google RESTDroid RoboSpice Retrofit Original Answer Presenting my approach to having REST clients on Android...
Volley Android Networking Library and put it in your project or copy the all source code inside your project android http android networking android volley share improve this question git clone https platform frameworks volley cd volley android update.. networking android volley share improve this question git clone https platform frameworks volley cd volley android update project p . ant jar Then copy bin volley.jar into your libs folder and off you go source share.. android volley share improve this question git clone https platform frameworks volley cd volley android update project p . ant jar Then copy bin volley.jar into your libs folder and off you go source share improve this..
Issues and contribution for Volley Bankov mentioned as a response to another question which could be helpful. android networking open source android volley bug reporting share improve this question Seems like a lot has been answered in the comments but I'll try to cover the.. anyways. I'd recommend doing this when initializing Volley usually the recommended place is the Application class File volleyCacheFile new File getExternalCacheDir volleyCache.tmp Of course this lacks any error handling what if the external storage.. Volley usually the recommended place is the Application class File volleyCacheFile new File getExternalCacheDir volleyCache.tmp Of course this lacks any error handling what if the external storage is unavailable . Also don't forget that you..
Using cookies with Android volley library cookies with Android volley library Does anybody know how to attach a session cookie to the request using library When I log in.. cookies with Android volley library Does anybody know how to attach a session cookie to the request using library When I log in to a web site it gives me a session cookie. Browser would send that cookie back with any subsequent.. back with any subsequent request. Volley does not seem to do that at least not automatically. Thanks. android android volley share improve this question vmirinov is right Here is how I solved the problem Request class public class StringRequest..
Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter? me to some resources http watch v yhv8l9F44qo @14 38 Thanks android image loading bitmapcache android volley share improve this question import import public class BitmapLruCache..
How to send a ?śmultipart/form-data??POST in Android with Volley library. Anyway all thoughts and answers are extremely appreciated. Thank you for your help. android http android volley share improve this question I might be wrong on this but I think you need to implement your own volley share improve this question I might be wrong on this but I think you need to implement your own for this because the default ones HurlStack if version Gingerbread or HttpClientStack don't deal with..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] . Add Volley library to your project from git repository. git clone https platform frameworks volley android networking android volley share improve this question Volley Android HTTP client Part 1 Quickstart Part 2 Application.. from git repository. git clone https platform frameworks volley android networking android volley share improve this question Volley Android HTTP client Part 1 Quickstart Part 2 Application Model Part 3 Image Loader.. Part 2 Application Model Part 3 Image Loader Part 4 Common Questions Part 1 Quickstart Were I can get it Download volley library and import it as a library project or make jar file. git clone https platform frameworks..
Instantiating core Volley objects are they What is best practice production apps are using to instantiate and access these objects android android volley share improve this question My experience with Volley is that I would initiate a RequestQueue inside of the Application..