android Programming Glossary: volume
Listen to volume buttons in background service? to volume buttons in background service I know how to listen to volume.. buttons in background service I know how to listen to volume buttons in an activity. But can I do that in a background service.. in a background service If yes how to do that android volume listen share improve this question Judging by the couple..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off turn on even if my user wakes the CPU by an accidental volume key press. When I want the screen to go on I have the key event..
Volume Control in android application I'd like to know how to control my application's volume from the volume keys contrary to my belief I've read they control.. to know how to control my application's volume from the volume keys contrary to my belief I've read they control only the ringer.. to my belief I've read they control only the ringer volume . Should I overwrite the onKey Down Up Or is there other way..
How to hook into the Power button in Android? On an Android device where the only buttons are the volume buttons and a power button I want to make the app react to presses..
Android - Is there a broadcast action for volume changes? Is there a broadcast action for volume changes I'm programming a small widget that needs to be updated.. needs to be updated whenever the user changes the ringer volume or the vibrate settings. Capturing haven't found any way of getting notified when the ringer volume changes. I could try to capture when the user presses the volume..
Override Power button just like Home button hard buttons of the device. Hard buttons like Power Home Volume up Volume down Search Back. I have successfully overridden almost.. of the device. Hard buttons like Power Home Volume up Volume down Search Back. I have successfully overridden almost all..
Using SeekBar to Control Volume in android? SeekBar to Control Volume in android How can I accurately change the volume of my app.. on my android device I have seperate function on the Volume keys on my android that's why I want to use a seekbar to control.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC setContentView R.layout.main..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? mContext You successfully upgraded to the entire Volume One. Enjoy Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish @Override public.. mContext You successfully upgraded to the entire Volume One. Enjoy Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish else if Consts.DEBUG..
onKeyDown and onKeyLongPress to a normal and a long pressed Key Event of the Volume Buttons. I've already seen this but if I keep the volume button.. one event or the other not both so that I can adjust the Volume at a short press and skip a track at a long press. Can you help.. import android.view.Menu public class TestVolumeActivity extends Activity boolean flag false boolean flag2 false..
Volume Control in android application Control in android application I'd like to know how to control.. buttons. It's much better to simply use this one line setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC in your onCreate method...
Android - Volume Buttons used in my application Volume Buttons used in my application I need to use volume buttons..
Taking over the volume key on Android volume key on Android I want to take overinput over the Volume Up and Down. At the moment my code is @Override public boolean..
Android emulator sdcard suddenly read-only(failing to mount?) two lines at the beginning of the logcat output D Vold 29 Volume sdcard state changing 1 Initializing 0 No Media D Vold 29 Volume.. sdcard state changing 1 Initializing 0 No Media D Vold 29 Volume sdcard state changing 0 No Media 1 Idle Unmounted So I take..
Volume change listener? change listener Is there any way to listen for volume changes..
Listen to volume buttons in background service? to volume buttons in background service I know how to listen to volume buttons in an activity. But can I do that in a background.. to volume buttons in background service I know how to listen to volume buttons in an activity. But can I do that in a background service If yes how to do that android volume listen share improve.. to listen to volume buttons in an activity. But can I do that in a background service If yes how to do that android volume listen share improve this question Judging by the couple of other questions about this topic no. Other question 1 Other..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off 0.0 at onCreate. This makes it so the screen doesn't actually turn on even if my user wakes the CPU by an accidental volume key press. When I want the screen to go on I have the key event call setBright to a value greater than 0 1.0 means max bright..
Volume Control in android application Control in android application I'd like to know how to control my application's volume from the volume keys contrary to my belief I've read they control only the ringer volume . Should I overwrite the onKey.. Control in android application I'd like to know how to control my application's volume from the volume keys contrary to my belief I've read they control only the ringer volume . Should I overwrite the onKey Down Up Or is there.. to control my application's volume from the volume keys contrary to my belief I've read they control only the ringer volume . Should I overwrite the onKey Down Up Or is there other way to accomplish this I'm asking because if I overwrite the upper..
How to hook into the Power button in Android? to hook into the Power button in Android On an Android device where the only buttons are the volume buttons and a power button I want to make the app react to presses on the power button long and short . How is this done..
Android - Is there a broadcast action for volume changes? Is there a broadcast action for volume changes I'm programming a small widget that needs to be updated whenever the user changes the ringer volume or the vibrate.. for volume changes I'm programming a small widget that needs to be updated whenever the user changes the ringer volume or the vibrate settings. Capturing works just fine for the vibrate settings but I.. works just fine for the vibrate settings but I haven't found any way of getting notified when the ringer volume changes. I could try to capture when the user presses the volume up volume down phisical keys but unfortunately there are..
Override Power button just like Home button Well I am doing something in which I want to disable all hard buttons of the device. Hard buttons like Power Home Volume up Volume down Search Back. I have successfully overridden almost all buttons here except Power. So I just want you people.. I am doing something in which I want to disable all hard buttons of the device. Hard buttons like Power Home Volume up Volume down Search Back. I have successfully overridden almost all buttons here except Power. So I just want you people to see..
Using SeekBar to Control Volume in android? SeekBar to Control Volume in android How can I accurately change the volume of my app using a seekbar without controlling the volume by the volume.. a seekbar without controlling the volume by the volume buttons on my android device I have seperate function on the Volume keys on my android that's why I want to use a seekbar to control the volume. Can Anyone please help me android volume seekbar.. audioManager null @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC setContentView R.layout.main initControls private void initControls try volumeSeekbar..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? if purchaseState PurchaseState.PURCHASED TODO Toast.makeText mContext You successfully upgraded to the entire Volume One. Enjoy Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish @Override public void onRequestPurchaseResponse RequestPurchase request ResponseCode.. 0 Log.d TAG Updating the DB Toast.makeText mContext You successfully upgraded to the entire Volume One. Enjoy Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish else if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG RestoreTransactions error responseCode @Override..
onKeyDown and onKeyLongPress and onKeyLongPress I want my application to react differently to a normal and a long pressed Key Event of the Volume Buttons. I've already seen this but if I keep the volume button pressed I get a lot of KeyDown Events before I get the KeyLongPressed.. I get the KeyLongPressed Event. I'd like to have either one event or the other not both so that I can adjust the Volume at a short press and skip a track at a long press. Can you help me out here This is my code @Override public boolean onKeyLongPress.. android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log import android.view.KeyEvent import android.view.Menu public class TestVolumeActivity extends Activity boolean flag false boolean flag2 false @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Volume Control in android application Control in android application I'd like to know how to control my application's volume from the volume keys contrary to.. the answer is don't override the onKeyDown and onKeyUp buttons. It's much better to simply use this one line setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC in your onCreate method. That tells the OS that the volume buttons should affect..
Android - Volume Buttons used in my application Volume Buttons used in my application I need to use volume buttons to control a variable parameter in my application. I use Activity.onKeyDown..
Taking over the volume key on Android over the volume key on Android I want to take overinput over the Volume Up and Down. At the moment my code is @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event Log.v TAG event.toString..
Android emulator sdcard suddenly read-only(failing to mount?) it but it's read only permissions are d . There are these two lines at the beginning of the logcat output D Vold 29 Volume sdcard state changing 1 Initializing 0 No Media D Vold 29 Volume sdcard state changing 0 No Media 1 Idle Unmounted So I.. lines at the beginning of the logcat output D Vold 29 Volume sdcard state changing 1 Initializing 0 No Media D Vold 29 Volume sdcard state changing 0 No Media 1 Idle Unmounted So I take it to mean that sdcard.img is suddenly failing to mount for..
Volume change listener? change listener Is there any way to listen for volume changes with an android service and react to that Btw how do the..