android Programming Glossary: votes
Android WebView File Upload share improve this question Given the high number of votes I'm guessing no one has noticed the 3rd comment from David Esteves..
Does GPS require Internet?
how can i get android list view selector items to remember their state off screen? to change the image colour of the arrows and update the votes accordingly. My problem is that if I click vote up for example.. holder.voteDown.setTag position holder.votes TextView convertView.findViewById define an onClickListener.. holder.votes TextView convertView.findViewById define an onClickListener for the ImageView. holder.voteUp.setOnClickListener..
External USB devices to Android phones? and it's actually ranked 7th in terms of stars think votes by the people at 1110 stars. You can log in and star it yourself..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime tv5 EDIT 9 5 12 So since this is still getting views and votes I'd like to add a much better and more complete method Typeface..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] at start. And I haven't tried it out because it had zero votes in a thread where all other posts have plenty of votes..Height.. votes in a thread where all other posts have plenty of votes..Height of foolishness.. getWindow .setSoftInputMode WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE..
How to get the .apk file of an application programatically regarding it. PS I wholeheartedly accept your down votes. Please explain me the reason for you down vote such that i..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] slide Update Because of the many up votes I decided to put a example project into a Git repository. See..
Android WebView File Upload return true Thanks java android file upload android webview share improve this question Given the high number of votes I'm guessing no one has noticed the 3rd comment from David Esteves contains a link with to answer to this question. Michel..
Does GPS require Internet?
how can i get android list view selector items to remember their state off screen? on the left side of each row. Using selectors I have been able to change the image colour of the arrows and update the votes accordingly. My problem is that if I click vote up for example as soon as i scroll down far enough so that the list item.. holder.voteDown ImageView convertView.findViewById holder.voteDown.setTag position holder.votes TextView convertView.findViewById define an onClickListener for the ImageView. holder.voteUp.setOnClickListener.. holder.voteDown.setTag position holder.votes TextView convertView.findViewById define an onClickListener for the ImageView. holder.voteUp.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void..
External USB devices to Android phones? id 738 colspec ID 20Type 20Status 20Owner 20Summary 20Stars and it's actually ranked 7th in terms of stars think votes by the people at 1110 stars. You can log in and star it yourself both to vote for it and to receive email updates. There..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime find views by id... setLayoutFont tf tv1 tv2 tv3 tv4 tv5 EDIT 9 5 12 So since this is still getting views and votes I'd like to add a much better and more complete method Typeface mFont Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets fonts BPreplay.otf..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] that this solution is given in the thread which I referenced at start. And I haven't tried it out because it had zero votes in a thread where all other posts have plenty of votes..Height of foolishness.. getWindow .setSoftInputMode WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE.. at start. And I haven't tried it out because it had zero votes in a thread where all other posts have plenty of votes..Height of foolishness.. getWindow .setSoftInputMode WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_VISIBLE For me the..
How to get the .apk file of an application programatically or not because we create the application so we have all privileges regarding it. PS I wholeheartedly accept your down votes. Please explain me the reason for you down vote such that i will not repeat my mistake . android share improve this question..
Layout Animation Android[Facebook] AL slide.setFillAfter true slide.setDuration 1000 parentlayout.startAnimation slide Update Because of the many up votes I decided to put a example project into a Git repository. See my answers for the link. android animation layout view android..